
The Wonderful Sounds of Summer

The neighbor is mowing. While he's mowing he's looking over at our unkempt lawn with disgust in his beady little eyes. I personally think natural grass is beautiful. After it gets to a certain length it bends over on itself so it doesn't look as high. Sweety does the mowing and his back has been bothering him and we've just been freaking busy this week. I'd mow but I am terrified of the lawn mower. I don't like loud motors that have parts on them that could maim me. I am seriously considering getting one of those old time mowers that's just the blade thingy that you push around. I would mow with one of those. Or maybe we could just get a fence and a herd of goats to nibble the grass down.

I added a little "post whore" blinkie to my collection. I realized that is what I am. At least it's not crack. I know I've gotten carried away with the posting of photos cause before I took a fine gem of a photo of Sweety the other day (wearing bunny ears while half naked and snarling) he wouldn't stand still til I told him I wasn't gonna post it. Maybe I can get him to change his mind later. I'll ask him if it's okay later during the afterglow of sex. He usually agrees to anything about that time.

Oh crap. I gotta go to work.

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