
Home On A Friday

Well. I should be at work but I'm not.

To celebrate I went and bought a bottle of Jack Daniels (something I haven't bought in probably 7 or 8 years) cause last night while at work I suddenly had the taste of it in my mouth. I think it was my body's way of telling me it needed some vital nutrient that JD has. And we rented the Team America movie, fucking marionettes anyone? I can't wait to see a puppet penis. And we got dinner from Burger King and Wendy's. I'm all set to watch some total popcorn for the brain and hopefully talk Sweety into playing some rummy later. Keeping my fingers crossed.

We are kicking around the idea of paying off all the bills and then me staying at home. This would entail me not having my own money anymore. I don't know if I'm ready for that yet but it would be soooooo effing nice to be able to stay at home and keep the pad tidy. Sweety said the trade off would be I'd have to find a girl to bring home every two weeks. He better be careful what he wishes for.

I've got tiny dog's crate in the bedroom right now and she's going in there and getting her food out and bringing it over to stinky dog. Either she's a really nice little animal or stinky dog kicks her ass when I'm not around in exchange for treats. Weird pets. Sweety said the reason tiny is so crazy is cause I talk to her like she's a nutball. I like to use my crackhead monkey voice when I'm loving on her. High pitched squealy voice while throwing my hands all over the place. She goes bonkers when she sees me get going but she doesn't act nuts like that for Sweety. I like it when she acts insane. I will continue to nurture that side of her.


Anonymous said...

You just need to get a job like California Girl where you can work at home.

She didn't like it at all when I worked and she was at home with the children all day. Something about talking to other adults.

Chickie said...

I think I'd be okay with staying at home. The kids aren't here on Thursdays and Fridays so I could find something to do on those days.

I'm introverted enough that the no adult conversation every day probably wouldn't bother me.