
My Issues

I came home from work early last night. I just had this "itchy" feeling and I could not sit in my chair for one more second. I thought I was gonna scream. On the way home I was talking to one of my friends and she said she could hear that "edge" to my voice and asked if I was still eating paxil to help me hang on. Actually no. But I have decided to start taking it again. I'd thought that with Sylvie leaving and with doing something in a different area at work that I would be stressless enough so that I wouldn't need those tasty little pills. I guess I was wrong. I think I'll continue taking it at least til I'm no longer working at this place. Sweety, who was so against me taking any kind of meds to begin with, asked me the other day if I'd quit taking them cause he could tell. Geez, and I thought a bitchy nutjob of a wife was a novelty to have...

And I have so gotta get this skin picking thing ENDED. The last thing I need is to go on vacation and have my Mom harp on little pick marks. The paxil also seemed to help with that. Maybe it will also help with the emotional eating thing. I don't think it's normal to eat 6 pieces of garlic toast while sucking down a 1/2 bottle of whiskey. That sort of thing isn't an every day occurrence, but it would probably be a good idea to squash it before it gets outta hand. I don't want to wake up under the boardwalk with only stinky dog for company a few years from now.

I wish I could just hide out in the bed for a couple of weeks. Get my house all sparkly and smelling good and just hibernate.

There. I just snorted a paxil. I feel better. Maybe I'll figure out how to smoke it too.

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