
Dinged Out

Wow. Mother EFFING WOW.

I have just had some of the best bedroom olympics EVER! I mean, this shit was better than cavemen discovering the wheel.

Poor Sweety, he is flat tuckered out and is asleep and breathing like each breath might be his last.

We didn't do a whole lotta anything today. Went out to eat at a kick ass place with his sister and boyfriend and that's about it. They are getting married next weekend so afterwards we went to the fucking mall so I could try and find a dress to wear. The search was futile. I finally decided that I'd just wear the dress that I bought to wear to my Grandma's funeral but after I got home and looked at it again I decided that it was too dark. So either next Friday or next Saturday right before the wedding I will be out trying to find a freaking dress. I loathe clothes shopping.

And what a lovely 3 hours I've just had. I must go to sleep now so I can recharge.


Anonymous said...

Three hours? Sigh.

Chickie said...

Sweety has got some serious stamina. I didn't marry him just cause he could cook :)

Anonymous said...

Sweety has UBER stamina. We should all bow down to him.

And why is it after marathon sessions in bed that we always have to go to work the next day?

Sounds like that extra two hours really helped. You should try to do it more often if they'll let you.

Anonymous said...


Wow. Awesome. Note to self: must top that record someday..perhaps this weekend!

Howdy from San Antonio!!

Anonymous said...

ha! i don't think your sister in law would appreciate you wearing a dress to her wedding that you wore to a funeral. is that giving her bad luck or something? :P

Chickie said...

mcb - I think having the extra sleep time did make me feel better for the night.

I have been bowing down to him continuously for the last 48 hours!

sk - Oh goody! I can't wait to read about it!

mam - I was kind of afraid it would be bad luck and perhaps offensive also. Then I just told Sweety to not tell her it was a funeral dress. After we got home and looked at it we figured it was too dark anyway. If her wedding was in the evening instead of afternoon I'd try to get by with it.