
It's My Friday!

Only 10 hours of work tonight and then I am off for 2 glorious days! And I only have 2 years and 24 days til the lease is up on the Pilot. I may trade it in for a bicycle with a trailer for stinky dog and a basket for tiny dog. And I can spend my day floating around in the pool that hasn't been conceived yet, getting a sunburn with tiny dog. I have discovered that if I have a good book to read at work it makes the time go by much quicker so I've been making sure I have something to read.

Sweety was kind enough to mop the floors last night. That is the one thing I despise doing. It's nice cause my feet aren't sticking to the floor anymore.

I talked to the niece, Sylvie, yesterday. I think she's having a hard time getting used to her mom being married. I know she likes her new dad but I think it's still hard on her. My sister said she's started having screaming nightmares again. This was something that she quit doing while she was living with us. I hope everything gets calmed down soon for her. Probably won't happen though. My sis is trying to get pregnant and thinks that she may be but isn't sure. I just wish she'd spend more time with the kid she has before she cranks out anymore. She wants 3 more. I think she's fucking nuts. She has a hard enough time keeping her patience with one.

I told Sweety that she thought she was with child and he asked me if that made my uterus twinge for one. Uh, no. I'm holding out for another dog. I think after we get a fence that we'll have room for one more. I'd really like to get some kind of small to midsize dog for BB. I'm going to really have to wear Sweety down if I hope to accomplish that. He said that 2 dogs is enough but since tiny dog is so small I don't think she should count in the dog population for the household.

I better go on to sleep before I go into the kitchen and eat half a loaf of bread and butter and CHEESE. Oh man, I love cheese. Sliced cheddar cheese, sprinkled with salt and a side plate of baby dill pickles. With a cold coke. I can tell that I've deprived myself of snacking for the last 24 hours.


Anonymous said...

I do not know HOW you stay so skinny. And don't have high blood pressure...cheese with SALT! LOL...It does sound DANG GOOD though!

This diet is kicking my ass, but I'm losing, so at least it's progress.

Your sister is exactly the kind of person who should be forbidden from reproducing. UGH!

Love ya

Chickie said...

I'm not staying skinny. It's creeping up there. I think it's all the cheese and bread that did it. One reason I haven't had any naked picture going on!

Good for you for finding JC and sticking to it. Maybe some day I will find the same salvation :)

When I talk to my sister I just kind of have to let her words go in one ear and out the other so I don't get aggravated.

Oh, you know what else is tasty? Chocolate chips that have salt on them or frozen walnuts dipped in salt. If it ever became fashionable to be over 300 pounds, I would so be there.

Anonymous said...

Boy, I wish I could just get half a day away from all my crap. My kiddos are driving me batty! Enjoy your "2 glorious days" I'll be envyin you from afar!
BTW, SK helped with with a different blog site, I just love her to death!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your "weekend"!

You're thinking about getting another dog? Aren't two enough? Especially when they leave you "gifts" on the porch?

Chickie said...

txsm - Well, my two "glorious days" will be spent entertaining the sprogs but it is better than going to work.

Regarding SK, I agree. I think she's a doll!

mcb - Two dogs really are enough but BB has been pining for a dog of his own ever since I've known him. I got stinky dog for him but after she got here realized that she was terrified of males. And once the yard is fenced they can leave their treasures out there instead of on the porch.

Anonymous said...

Three dogs reside at my house. Large, medium and a spare.


Chickie said...

Imapuma - A "spare"? That is too cute.