
blah blah blah

I am so pissed off at that Jennifer chick on Big Brother 6. We record the show on Thursday and watch it on Saturday. So in the span of a couple of nights of t.v. watching I got to see that all my clicking to get Kaysar back on BB6 worked (my pointy finger is still numb) and that he was stabbed in the back and will be voted right back off. I'm going to find out where she lives and go put sand in her gas tank.

We went and picked out all the pool stuff yesterday. I'm pretty excited about it now. The inside of it is going to be pebbly so the water will look kind of dark. Sweety wanted a blinding white for the inside because he said it looks "crisp and clean and inviting". The white I saw kinda reminded me of a freshly scrubbed toilet. I told him I thought the darker stuff looked "dark and cool and soothing. it said come slip into my depths and drown from the relaxation". That is the feeling that I'm going for.

The EW is still tapdancing on my nerves. Silly shit. I'm sure once she gets back in the school routine that she'll quiet back down.

With the new box that we had to plug in to hook up the wireless thing there's not enough power outlets now. Not that I really NEED to shred something and print something and download pictures off my camera at the same time but the option would be nice.

Yesterday I killed about an hour and a half inside the bookstore and it was lovely. I kept picking books up and toting them around. Then I'd get some early buyer's regret and put them back on the shelf. I got the Cerulean Sins. The next book for me in the Anita Blake series. I haven't started reading it yet cause I know I won't put it down and I'm not ready to stare at something for so long.

There are a couple of blogs I read that aren't on my blogroll. I read them because they are blogs that I stumbled upon and said to myself "is this person for fucking real?". There's one where this lady is all bent outta shape because someone didn't allow her to become a member or whatever to comment on their blog. I'm pretty sure if someone kept me from posting on their blog that the last thing I would do is come back to my blog and rant about it in giant psychotic looking font. But I suppose our blogs are to do with as we please.

I better go dig up tiny dog so she can nap with me. I threw out my freaking back the other day hefting stinky up in the bed with me. She can sleep on the floor for a few days. I need to build some kind of something to lift her onto the bed. Maybe it could double as a hanger for a sex swing.


Anonymous said...

I was thinking the same thing....if someone doesn't WANT me to post on his/her blog, well then, I guess I WON'T. I won't GRIPE about it. Sheesh.

I miss ya!

New Girl said...

You must love to read as much as I do.

One day I spent 3 hours in Barnes and Noble. At one point, a sales person came over and offered me a basket. I put 6 books back and wrote down the names of 10 and STILL spent $100.

If you are interested, there is theis online thing, kind of like Netflix, but for books. www.booksfree.com

They have a TON of books, plus, you pay the monthly fee and get to keep the books for as long as you want and you don't pay shipping-it comes with the return envelope.

Geez-look how 1 mention of books gets me typing for days. :-)

Chickie said...

sk - The post this person put up generated more comments than she'd ever gotten go I guess that kind of thing is good for getting some conversation going. If I asked someone for permission and they said no I would of course assume that they thought the request was from someone else and told moi no in error.

bad girl - I looooove browsing at the bookstore or library. I'd rather go book shopping than clothes shopping. I think yesterday they thought I was shoplifting cause I had a big purse with me and I kept looking at my phone inside of it to see what time it was.

The booksfree.com is neat. I may have to do that. The monthly fee would be about what I pay in late fees at the library and I wouldn't have to leave my house! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

The bottom of out pool is white and it makes the water look crystal clear. Some friends of ours have a similarly shaped pool but the bottom of theirs is blue and the water doesn't look as inviting.

BTW, when do they start working?

Chickie said...

mcb - Sweety's contention was that the white looked more inviting. I see that it looks like just the bottom of your pool is white. The kind of white they would do would cover the whole pool basin. I just thought it was too much. I was afraid I'd get snow blindness looking at the sun bounce off all the white.

Not sure when work starts. Hopefully within 3 weeks or so. They have to get permits and stuff from the city and they said it usually takes that long to get everything going.