
We Are Some WIRELESS Fools!

After 4 days of dinking with the computer we have managed to get all the wireless crap hooked up to it and it works. Weee-haaaa! I am so pleased.

This means that I can take Raoul into the kitchen and type away to my little heart's content. If I wanted to lug him in there. I am on the market for a laptop. I always said that I didn't want one but what's the point of having the capability to just flip open my laptop anywhere in the house if I don't have one? I already have the laptop's name picked out: Sasha. That way it can be a boy or a girl. An androgynous laptop.

And while we were poking around inside the computer we found one of stinky dog's puppies. It seems that all of the dog hair in the house had gathered by the motherboard and was pulling intelligence off the internet. Any day now it would have slithered out of the computer and killed us all. I will now make it a semi-annual ritual to dust inside the computer.


Anonymous said...

Congrats! I have wireless and love it!! I also have a laptop, hubby got me one because he was tired of me being in the bedroom on the PC while he was out in the living room, now at least I'm in there with him, not that we're conversing or anything....jeez, when u get a laptop....you'll love it!!!!!

Chickie said...

We're moving the computer out of our bedroom into another room so that might tamp down my laptop urge for awhile. But I know it's coming.