
Stuff Portrait Friday

This weeks topics are: My Horrible Habit, Something I Obsess Over and Something that Causes Anxiety.

And since it was hard to get photos of the aforementioned things I thought I'd just tell ya about them instead.

My Horrible Habit
The picking of my skin. I can feel around and find some type of teensy bump and then need to remove it. I am recovering. It was really bad on my chest area and face and legs but I've managed to isolate it to just the top parts of my legs for now. It's a totally stress related thing. If I've had a crappy day at work I will head to the bathroom for a little pick-party and before I know it an hour and a half has passed. Not only is this totally disgusting it freaks Sweety out if he can tell what I've been up to and then I feel like I need to apologize for the physical manifestation of my mental problem.

Something I Obsess Over
Aging. I do a careful wrinkle check usually after I've picked my legs to bits. Botox is in my future.

Something That Causes Anxiety
Having to be around people. I won't go check the mail if the neighbors are outside because then I may have to talk to them. Social settings make me quite uneasy. I have never thrown a party. I try to avoid going to such events because what if I say something stupid? Or everyone hates me? It is just safer to stick close to the house. Sometimes Sweety and I go out but it's usually just me and him or one other couple that we know.


Leska McCall said...

I thought I was the only one with the avoidance thing! In they past, some days I just didn't want to have to interact! I will say that now that I have kids it never crosses my mind. I.have.to.escape. if only to get the mail!
Cute sandals in the next post..

Random and Odd said...

I can't leave the house during certain hours of the day. It freaks me out. Ugh...

Chickie said...

For me it's more of a thing where I want to avoid small talk or making converstation in big groups of people. If I'm out to lunch or something with 1 or 2 people I'm okay. Any more than that and you won't hear a peep outta me and I'll go to the bathroom a lot.

I'll only sneak outside during the day to check the mail or bring in the paper if I can see that nobody else is outside on their lawns. Unless I'm sucking it up and being a "good parent" and supervising the sprogs while they play on the sidewalk. Those kinds of outings are very scarce.

Chickie said...

And dammit, I know how to spell "conversation" correctly!

I just woke up. Eyes are sticky :)

Anonymous said...

So, a touch of agoraphobia? I'm angoraphobic - fear of sweaters.


Chickie said...

Imapuma - If I didn't work I could happily stay on my homestead all the time.

Maybe you just haven't met the right sweater yet?

Anonymous said...

I HATE going outside when the neighbors are around.