
Too Early

I am awake letting the dogs eat their breakfast and take their morning poops and then I can go back to bed. The bad thing about me being on the internet when I'm tired is that I have a tendency to sometimes make lots of ebay bids on things that I don't really need. I am pleased that I've controlled that urge this morning. I'm dying to get tiny dog this shirt but I do realize it would be nuts to spend that much money on dog clothes. But you can't tell me that it's not totally effing cute. I could get it for her and I could wear my new pink dress and we could have our picture made.

It seems that our remortgage will go through. YAY! Sweety did play a mean ass trick on me though. He told me that he had good news and bad news. Of course I want the bad first. He said that we could get the loan but only if we paid the thing that was on my credit report (the truck loan from my ex) and that the bank offered to let us pay it off at 10% which would be about 1100.00. Immediately I start to get pissed thinking why should we pay any of that shit and I ask him what is the good news. At that moment our cell phones lose service. Luckily I decided to call him back and not my old bank to rant and rave about having to pay anything on a loan that isn't mine. That's when he told me he was just kidding and we're getting our remortgage done and we don't have to pay anything on the shit that's on my credit report. Ha fucking ha. I hope Sweety got a good laugh. I think my blood pressure doubled during our phone call.

Oh good. Queen Tiny Dog is finished with her breakfast and is ready to hop in bed with me.


West said...

Please, Chickie, how will Tiny Dog ever forgive you if you DON'T buy that coat?

Do you want two dogs with emotional issues, already?

Up the bid and I'll be keeping fingers crossed for you.



Chickie said...

Bob - Okay, you talked me into it. I am now the high bidder woo-hoo!

See how easily influenced I am by peer pressure?

Anonymous said...

Looks like you won the bidding. Tiny dog will love you.

What trick are you going to play on Sweety for pulling your leg about the mortgage refinancing?

Chickie said...

I won! I won!

I think that I'll tell Sweety to quit picking on me about spending so much on dog clothes and we'll just call it even.

The most I've ever paid for a dog shirt is around 7.00. But this was just too freaking cute to pass up.