
We Are REALLY Married Now

Not that we haven't been legally married for the last 4 odd years. Just today we remortgaged our house and I am now on the title. I didn't really want to be on it but it was necessary in order to redo the mortgage. I feel more married now than I did earlier today. I mean before if I lost my marbles and wanted to run screaming away there was nothing really keeping me here. Now if I ever want to run into the burning sunset I'll have this house thing on my credit. Not that I ever plan on doing that. But it's always nice to have a Plan B.

I was reading Anne Arkham's post over at Art. Humor. Larceny. about first impressions and it made me think. I'm really bad about picking people to shreds when I'm waiting in line or just out and about somewhere. So I've started making it a little game. Someone's got on weird hat? They must have cancer. Eyebrows drawn on funny? They're suffering from that disease where you yank them out. Oversized person crammed into clothes that are way too small? Overactive thyroid. In the grocery store with no shoes? Of course their house has just burned down and they are rebuilding their wardrobe after they get a six-pack. It's a way to help the line move faster for me at wallyworld.

Before signing my total financial self away I went to the mall. You see that photo of me in my profile? The flannel jacket? That's the one that I wear to work every single day over my regular clothes cause they keep it so freaking cold in the office. I decided if I was going to wear cute clothes that I may as well get a sweater that looks like it belongs to a female and not a Granpa.

Friday is meet the teacher day at the boys' school. I can't wait. I'll get to use my evil thoughtbeams on the EW. If she were to ever be stricken unconscious in my presence I'd PRETEND to have CPR and try to save her.

I'm feeling grouchy and I have no idea why. I'm going to try and fake some cheer and maybe it will become reality.


Anonymous said...

My first impression of you, Chickie, was based on the picture above and to the right. I was like: frog costume.

Chickie said...

Frog costume? I may have to change the photo. I'm not sure what I'm trying to convey with the first impression here but it is not Kermit the frog. I'm supposed to be an alien up there ready to yank the gall bladders out of unsuspecting humans.

That was Halloween last year and it was too damn hot to wear the head part of the costume. So I just kept on the feet and hands while I walked my niece around the neighborhood and freaked out small children. Sweety's favorite photo is of me right after I fought myself out of the head part. He said it captures the true "me".

Anonymous said...

Goddammit! My first impressions are always wrong!!!!!

Chickie said...

That's okay. I've given much more worse first impressions than of being a frog.