

There's a lot of shit I should be doing right now (washing the dogs, washing myself, brushing my teeth, cleaning the house, cleaning the porch, grocery shopping) but I'm just going to take yet another moment and just say "fuck it".

I just woke up and I'm feeling like one lazy chick today. Not unlike any other day.

I did get one thing accomplished; I called the bank in the TX town I used to live in and got the payoff on a loan I have there. 380.00. That is all that's left of a 15 grand unsecured note. It will be so nice to have that thing paid off. Lots of memories in that loan...Bailing my first husband out of jail. Bailing myself out of debt. Lots of little miscellaneous stuff in that loan.

The effing dogs are wound up like eight day clocks. I guess since they've spent the last 2 days sleeping in my room that they have some energy to burn. They're playing tag and the sound of their toes clicking on the wood floor is making me crazy. I will have to buy them some boots. I got Tiny dog some boots and a raincoat the other day but they're too big. Maybe when I take them back I'll get Stinky some boots to muffle the sound when she walks. Otherwise, the noise is going to make me crazy and I'll end up chopping their feet off.

Today was the first baseball practice for the sprogs. I opted out of going. Usually I'm at every one of them but I woke up late today. Out of guilt, I'll make it a point to go to the rest of them. I just love roasting in the sun while they practice. And it makes it even more fun when the EW graces us with her occasional presence - gives me someone to talk to. I know you felt my sarcasm, right?

I had someone call me a fucking asshole and a fat lazy ass last night! It warms my heart to be able to elicit such emotion from someone that I don't even know.

I do enjoy my job.

Hmmm. I think I'm gonna go dink with my template some more. First I'll go see what Tiny dog is doing. I hear shit crashing in another part of the house.


Anonymous said...

Between two cats and a dog, there's always crashing noises coming from some part of my house. Either that or tearing noises. Those are good, too.

Chickie said...

I swear, Tiny dog sounds like a herd of elephants!

Anonymous said...

I have no idea how you manage to sleep with the dogs roughhousing. If I had the sleep the hours that you do, there would not be anything but people and perhaps a fish living in the house.

Chickie said...

mcb - When I tell them it's bedtime we all go lay down in my room. Stinky is in her bed on the floor and Tiny passes out in my armpit. Then I put in earplugs to muffle the sounds of suburbia (lawnmowers and leafblowers). The canines are good about sleeping when I need them to so I cut them some slack when I'm awake.

Zube said...

Congrats on the loan. I'm still trying to dig myself out of debt. It sucks hardcore.

L said...

it's always a good accomplishment to pull yourself out of debt...

Chickie said...

zube girl & l - I'm still digging but it is lessening. It helps that I have turned my finances over to my bookkeeper aka Sweety.