

I had to open the shower curtain this morning and get something that I'd left on the bathroom counter. I took a peek at the canines in the corner and saw that Stinky dog had just puked up all of her breakfast. But by the time I got out of the shower, it was all gone and Tiny dog was using her 7 inch tongue to clean her own ears. I wonder how many times this has happened and I didn't even know it? No surprise that Tiny dog is getting chunky.

There's a stool that I put by my bed so Tiny can hop up on it. She was crying earlier and she'd gotten up there but she hasn't figured out how to get down yet. I took her off the bed and moved the stool away. While making my bed I found a dog treat buried in my sheets. I am so glad that I made the bed. Sweety would freak out if he found a dog treat in his bed. Sweety, if you're reading this: ha ha. i'm just kidding.

It has been raining all stinking morning long. I've managed to get plenty of sleep today and I am so not looking forward to going to work tonight. But I guess I never look forward to that. At least it is Friday.

There are some people that I'm around that make me want to poke their eyes out with hot forks. Or at least rub their smug little smiles off. I wish I still had my Photon Deathray Gun.


Anonymous said...

LOVE THE NEW BLOG HEADING!! I almost thought I was in the wrong place!! VERY COOL!!

I miss ya!

Anonymous said...

OOH OOH OOH! I want a Photon Deathray Gun, too!!!!! It's SO going on my Christmas wish list.

Anonymous said...

Working on Friday night sucks. I imagine it's more quite than other nights though.

If you ever get a Photon Deathray Gun make sure it has GPS targeting for obnoxious the people that call you.

Chickie said...

sk - Thank you! I like the new top too. Miss you too, dear. Glad the pygmys haven't tied you up somewhere.

bekah - The Gun is very hard to come by but so worth having.

mcb - Actually, more loons call on Fridays and Saturdays. These are the bored people with nothing better to do.
I just use my thoughtbeams to make them spontaneously combust.

L said...

a Photon Deathray gun sounds quite handy these days (sigh)

Chickie said...

l - The gun can also be used to make a quick grilled cheese sandwich.