
My Tangled Web

I don't tell Sweety lies and usually don't keep secrets. I've had a little secret that I was keeping and it was starting to give me bad dreams so I finally came clean yesterday. For my friend N's birthday I bought her a computer.

I was planning on telling him at some point in the future for but my other friend, E, told me that withholding information was the same thing as lying. And when I woke up from a bad dream about it yesterday I figured it was time to tell him before the guilt consumed me.

He took it rather well. I informed him while we were at the dentist's office. That way if he was annoyed he'd have to tamp it down til we got home. The first thing he asked was "What did you get me for my birthday?" And I told him not a computer because he didn't need one. Then he wanted to know why we buy such extravagant gifts for each other (last year for my birthday she gave me a pretty birthstone ring) and I said we don't always do that. I'm a rather sporadic gift giver. One year you might just get a card or phone call but occasionally I'll deliver a kick ass present. With this gift, N and I agreed that from now on we will just exchange cards for holidays.

I'm just glad he didn't make a big deal out of it and now I can sleep better.


Anonymous said...

Ahem, my birthday is in October. You could just mail me Tiny dog.

Chickie said...

Would you trade me Duce and Lapoo?

Anonymous said...

Um yeah, and I'm a really good friend, too!!


Chickie said...

sk - My good gift giving spurt should cycle back around in 3 years. I'll keep ya on the list!

Anonymous said...

I think Sweety will be expecting a kick-ass gift on his next birthday.

Chickie said...

mcb - I know, I know. I'm already saving my pennies!

Anonymous said...

Wow. Your friend is lucky to have you.

Chickie said...

anne arkham - I try to come through with a good gift every so often to make up for the ones that I miss.