
Morning Chaos

This morning before school I was digging through BB's backpack and saw that he had been given homework on Friday and it wasn't done. The boys were at EW's for the weekend and we picked them up yesterday afternoon. I asked them yesterday if there was anything in their bags that needed to come out or be signed and they both said no. Sweety wants to say something to EW about him being over there all weekend long and the work not being noticed. I say, why bother? She's just going to get defensive and he'll end up fussing with her. I told him that he knows she's not checking their bags so anytime he picks them up from over there the first thing he should do is go through their backpacks. Preferably while they are still parked in her yard so if they left something behind in her house they can go back in and get it.

Tonight is open house. I will get to make small talk with the beast. I'm trying to think of something quietly snarky to say.

The wood floor is almost all done. There's only a couple more boards to be put down and then the trim along the bottom of the wall. We moved the furniture that was in the first living room into the toyroom and Stinky dog is totally confused now. She used to lay on the couch when it was in the front part of the house. I've taken her to the couches new spot but she doesn't like it. She keeps walking over to where it used to be and then looking at me like "where the hell is my stuff, mom?". The one bad thing about wood floor is there's all this wood for 40 little doggy toenails to clack around on. It is funny to see them try and run on the wood; one of them usually blows a wheel and ends up skittering across the floor on her side.

Some of the construction dust has gotten into the door on the dishwasher; now it squeaks horribly when you open it. Sweety was trying to get to the source of the squeak last night and Tiny dog kept stealing his napkins that were soaked in oil. She grabs one and goes under the couch with it and when Sweety flips the couch on it's side to confront her he smashes his toe. Blood everywhere. Tiny dog had the sense to disappear for awhile. And I managed to choke back any inappropriate laughter til I was out of Sweety's sight.

Later he played with her so I guess he had no hard feelings.

Sleepy Head How could you stay mad to such an innocent little animal? She doesn't look like an eater of walls, does she? She found another spot on the wall to munch on so I maced her with some of the bitter stuff to keep her away from it and then put some on the wall. I guess I really am going to have to go around and put the stuff everywhere and let her see me doing it.

Agh. I've put it off long enough. I must go fold the laundry.


Anonymous said...

You're not supposed to call the sour apple stuff "mace"! People will call the authorities on you if they think you're actually macing your two pound chihuahua. Oh, shit, here comes PETA!

Anonymous said...

Tiny dog seems gets into a lot of trouble to be so little. Eating walls. Stealing napkins. It's a good thing that she is not bigger.

Anonymous said...

Chickie, I need your email address, I need to send you something!!! Email me, please.


L said...

so cute! and it is sort of funny to watch dogs wipe out on wood floors

cycled through some of your dog photos, and now I need an insulin shot ;)

Chickie said...

bekah - Mace is just quicker to say than "sour apple stuff". And I sniffed it and it reminded me of mace. I will kick PETA's ass. Do not tempt me.

An email is forthcoming with my address.

zube girl - I'm pretty sure that she's from the 4th circle of hell, but she's so effing cute I can overlook almost anything.

mcb - I have said that myself. If she was even 15 pounds the problem would be much worse.

l - I laugh my ass off when they wipe out. Sweety has noticed that I spend a lot of time watching the canines. The cuteness gives me cavities.