

I'm so stinking glad that Friday is OVER! Tomorrow the boys have a ballgame at 4:00. We'll get to bake and watch them get stomped. Their team is kind of Bad News Bears-ish. But you have to give them an "E" for effort.

Sweety got home today before I left for work. I'd just gotten up and Tiny was bouncing around in the bed all excited to hear his voice. I look over to see that in her joy she has pissed all over the bed. I knew she needed to go out and I was trying to get my clothes on to take her but she exploded first. I didn't tell Sweety why I was washing the sheets right before work. I asked him to wash the comforter when the sheets were done. I hope he didn't notice the pee on that.

I have a habit of eating leftovers and not knowing how old they are. As far as I'm concerned, if the food isn't fuzzy or smell funny then it's okay to eat. But I think I may have been broken from that. I ate some potato salad when I got in yesterday night and it was quite expired but I didn't notice. Sweety pointed it out after I sprinted to the bathroom and he saw the empty carton on the counter. I have truly never had such an unpleasant bathroom experience. No more potato salad for me.

Tiny dog has been hoarding my underwear. I found 4 pairs scattered around the house today. Perhaps that is the cause of my recent panty shortage.

Well, Sweety just came in here and scared the hell out of me. He thinks I don't love him since I came in from work and decided to play on the computer instead of spooning him. I better go soothe his ego.


Anonymous said...

Tiny dog has a tiny bladder, I would assume, and a tiny bit of excitement could easily cause her tiny bladder to leak some Tiny dog pee. It happens. At least it's not like when Indy sees a neighborhood child and pisses a river on himself. Ew.

Chickie said...

bekah - It was not a tiny bit of pee. I don't know where the hell she was storing all of it.

Anonymous said...

Tiny dog hasn't been having her best days recently. Lets just hope that she doesn't decide to eat your underwear.

BTW, what does Sweety think of her's and Stinky dog's behavior recently?

Chickie said...

mcb - Sweety is less than enamored with their recent behavior. He feels they are perfectly useless creatures. I think I'm starting to agree.