
Tired Rambling

The old oven is hitting the road today and the new one will be delivered. Yay! When we moved the old one out we found a decades worth of stray food bits. There was enough pasta on the floor to feed a family of 4 for at least 2 meals. Tiny dog was thrilled to see all the goodies and I contemplated boiling it all up for her in some type of soup but then realized that I couldn't because the stove wasn't hooked up any more.

I drive a Honda Pilot and while I totally loathe it, I have to give it some credit for having some "get up and go". I was trying to merge onto the road this morning and some dorkwad in a little sports car (and I know that means he must be suffering from micropenis) didn't want to let me over. Geez, excuse me, we're the only 2 cars on the road but god forbid I get in front of him. So he gassed it and I just followed him at warp speed til I got to my exit. I love being at a stop light with someone beside me who's just itching to go so they keep creeping forward and then when the light turns green I zoom away and make it through the next yellow light and they get caught on red. It doesn't take much to amuse me.

Instead of getting my boobage lifted/reduced in October, I'm waiting til March. My Mom will be here for a week so I can get it done and then take some days off and visit with her. If I still get it done. I'm very nervous about the whole general anesthesia thing. I like to sleep but I prefer it when I induce it. Maybe I really don't need perky little C cups that I can put in cute, tiny tops. I'm glad I've given myself some more time to kick the idea around.

Yee-ouch. Speaking of boobs, Tiny dog just jumped in my lap and poked me in the boob with her spiked collar. I didn't realize it could be so lethal.

I'm pooped. It will be nice to live on a regular daytime schedule, someday. Goodnight to me.


Chickie said...

mace - I haven't heard that one. I'll have to go look it up.

mcb - Thanks. They're okay if I could just run around naked but I'm just about sick of wearing an industrial type bra.

Chickie said...

mace - Okay, I'll do that if I need to. Thanks!