

Sometimes I make mountains out of molehills. So I'm not going to write about my molehill just yet. But if anyone could spare a positive thoughtbeam, please direct it to Sweety. I'll write about this more on Tuesday after we find out what's up. Til then, I'm going to ignore the problem so I don't freak out.

Back to our regularly scheduled program...

Tiny dog has developed the most disgusting habit of humping Stinky dog's head. I know she's doing it to try and establish dominance, but come on Tiny. Have you got to stick your coochie right in her face? I may go get her some type of toy to ride.

I was in the kitchen earlier and heard this sighing/hissing noise behind me and I froze because it sounded a lot like the creepy noise in The Grudge. I turned around, fully expecting to see a drowned Japanese boy behind me, but it was just the pantry door sliding open by itself. Whew. Now I don't know if I should be concerned that the pantry door swung open by itself or just happy there was no visible poltergeist behind me.

The boys had baseball practice last night and I was really surprised with how well the team is playing. It's nice that they know what they're doing now but I really miss the days of t-ball. There's nothing more entertaining than some kid whacking a ball off a tee and then sprinting to third base instead of first. Some of their games this season are at 1 and 4 in the afternoon. Can't wait to sit and swelter in the sun while they run lethargically around on the field.

It tickles me how the boys make conversation with me now. The first thing they ask when I pick them up from school on Tuesday is how my night at work went and my day. Then I ask about theirs and they tell me all about it. I just think it's neat to talk to them. Yesterday, I picked them up from their mom's and when I asked BB about his day he said it was less than perfect because his mom and grandma have been fighting. I replied with something like 'oh, moms and daughters fuss sometimes' and veered away from that topic. I don't know if I should have changed the subject or asked about why they were fighting. I kinda felt like if I asked about it would have been like I was pumping him for information. But then part of me thought since he mentioned it maybe he wanted to talk about it. He didn't bring it back up though. It is confusing dealing with someone else's children sometimes.


Anonymous said...

It is really neat when you start having "normal" conversations with kids. The go from just wanting things to talking about stuff almost overnight. About the only thing wrong with watching them grow up is that they grow up.

Chickie said...

Sometimes it makes me want to laugh with how serious they can be.

Zube said...

Hope everything with sweetie is okay!

The Grudge scared the everliving crap out of me!!!

Chickie said...

Thanks! Me too, me too.

That movie just totally freaked me out.