
Blahed Out

Thank you for all the HNT comments! They do please me so :) I've decided that I'm not going to fret over replying to all of them because it freaks me out. (MCB, I did answer your question there!) I like to keep up and reply to comments but I put the HNT up on Thursdays and usually don't have much 'puter time again til Saturday. Anything more than a half-dozen comments to reply to is overwhelming. Whew, I feel as if a huge weight has been lifted now that I know I don't have to worry about politeness on next week's HNT.

The boys have been yammering at each other chimpanzees going through heroin withdrawals today. Sweety has them picking rocks out of the sand in the backyard to burn off some energy now. Heh, heh, heh. They should sleep well tonight.

They had their first basketball game this morning and they lost 22 to 4. It was painful to watch. It is a lot of fun to sit in the stands with Sweety and watch his face get all red as the boys bumble around on the court. I may take vodka in my water bottle next time to help the time pass faster.

After spending last Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday pretty much in bed, I've decided to try and fight the blah mood that is trying to creep up on me. I've been worrying about my credit card debt and my constant eating habit. A couple of hours ago, I came clean to Sweety about the credit card bill. Oddly enough, I don't feel much better after confession. I'm hoping the eating was a manifestation of worrying about the credit card and maybe I'll start pushing away from the plate now.

One downside to letting him know how much money I owe (Which really isn't a lot but it's more than he was aware of.) is that I don't know if I can go to the gathering in Chicago now. (Because now he knows that I'd be adding debt on top of debt.) I REALLY wanna go! Argh. If I can get some overtime at work and knock this bill down within the next month it shouldn't interfere with my plans. We shall see...

Tiny dog is really pissing me off at night. She's started whining for company about every 3 hours. This morning I was listening to her and wondering what kind of sound it would make if I smacked her with a whiffle-ball bat. I'm thinking it'd be a small, meaty thud followed by a yelp. But how can I smash a dog that looks so freaking cute under the cover? I'd been kicking around the procreation idea for a couple of weeks but the last few nights of getting up continually at Tiny's insistence has quelled that urge. Do you think she has an agenda?


Anonymous said...

I laughed so hard when I read "wondering what kind of sound it would make if I smacked her with a whiffle-ball bat. I'm thinking it'd be a small, meaty thud followed by a yelp". And then I tried reading it to Mark, but ended up laughing so hard that my eyes were watering! I'm so sorry she's being a brat. Maybe if you strapped an ice pack to her to keep her cold at night, she'll not want to get up?

Joey Polanski said...

Maybe Tiny Dog needs to spend a aftrnoon pickin rocks outta th sand in th backyard.

Or maybe you shoud put vodka in her bowl insteada watr.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

It sounds like Tiny is pressing her luck a bit! (lol)

Hope you can work out some of that debt Chickie so that you can go to Chicago for that trip...

Zube said...

Sometimes I wonder what it would sound like if all four animals lined up and I threw rocks at their heads. Especially when it's six in the morning and they're scratching at the bedroom door. You're not alone.

Chickie said...

Bekah - Just so you know, I was thinking of using a blue whiffle-ball bat with the top end cut off. And I've been thinking of sticking her in the freezer.

Joey Polanski - No thumbs, she can't pick rocks. She had a little vodka last night. It just made her pee a lot.

OOLOTH - She only woke me up twice last night so maybe it'll get better.

Eh, I don't know about the trip. I'm holding out hope but if I don't get things in line that could be the straw that breaks the camel's back.

Zube Girl - If you're throwing rocks, aim for the torso. Bigger area.

Anonymous said...

You can come up with a better plan to make money than just working overtime. Kill EW and sell her organs on eBay. Something like that.

Chickie said...

Anne Arkham - That idea is much better than, say, a bake sale!