
Dog day

If you give a tinker's damn, the HNT post is just below.

I am just blahed the eff out. Shift-traded with someone and I worked yesterday so I'm off today. And I haven't done one thing except chase the dogs around and take pictures of them. Wait, my nails also got done today but that is all. I'm giving myself credit for not just staying in bed all day. Instead of going back to sleep after taking the sprogs to school I stayed awake and made no use of my time by goofing around on the computer til my eyes started to burn. Once my eyes started to burn, I turned the computer over to Tiny dog and she hammered out a new post.

I'm just in a mood where I don't want to talk/deal with anyone. Just feeling too pissy for some reason.

Did you know it's not a good idea to let your laptop battery die? Because you may have a hard time getting the motherfucker to start back up again. For about 30 heart-stopping minutes this afternoon, I thought Raoul was going to have to go the computer hospital or something.

This is what I've been looking at today:

My loves
She only gets to lounge on me like this when I have pants on 'cause I don't like her coochie and butt ooching all over me. Since I'm usually sitting around naked, this is a real treat for her.

After awhile I was feeling guilty that the canines hadn't seen sun in awhile so I took them outside. I laugh my ass off every time they play tag. Having Tiny around really gets Stinky moving now. I'd never seen her run before we got Tiny.



Once Stinky tackles Tiny they both hit the ground and Tiny chews on Stinky's ears for a bit. Then Tiny humps her head and they start racing around some more.

It'll be nice when we have some grass in the backyard because the canines are freaking filthy from rolling around out there. They both have dates with the bathtub later.

Damn, Tiny dog is a little mean ass. I invited Stinky on the couch with me and due to her short legs, she has to kinda rock back and forth and get some momentum going to hop on the couch. Tiny's dancing on the edge of the couch, biting Stinky's nose whenever she rocks it over the edge of the cushion. I had to restrain Tiny dog to give Stinky a chance to get up here. What an abused Basset hound.

Tomorrow I only have to work for 3 hours so I'm considering going to the bowling alley tonight with Sweety and doing what I do best - drink 2 pitchers of beer and try to kill the other team using my thoughtbeams. It won't be a big deal to drag my hungover self to work since I've only gotta be there 180 minutes (15 minutes of that is a break so really I only have to be productive 165 minutes).

I better get around and get ready to leave the house. And try to tidy quickly so it doesn't look like I didn't do anything today. I may hit Mr. Patron bottle before going to the bowling alley tonight...

Hey! Maybe I'll take my camera with me tonight! I can document Sweety, Bowler Extraordinaire. Oh goody, I've found something to live for!


Anonymous said...

Stinky has a really pretty face.

Sassy said...

Nice pics!
I don't want my dogs red devil to smear across me either....sick!
Happy HNT!

The Phosgene Kid said...

I couldn't imagine life without dogs, how dreary it would be.

Joey Polanski said...

Somhow its hard t imagine a chwawa ... loungin.

A Basset, on th othr hand ...

... just not straddlin th leg, I spose.

Anonymous said...

No coochie and butt ooching all over me unless they belong to an adult female human.

Stinky really seems to be moving in the third picture. How often does she get so animated?

BTW: Your pool looks ready good from what we can see.

Anonymous said...

OMFG! I can't believe you have a blog for your DOG!! Then again, yes I can.

I'm diggin' your pool! How FUN!

Nice to be back, Chickie...I missed you.

Anonymous said...

i'm going to alert the bassat hound protection agency that tiny dog bites at stinky's nose when she's trying to get on the couch AND SHE humps her head!!!! they're so going to come and get tiny dog and take her away. far, far away.

(don't worry, i'll post pictures)

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Love your dogs Chickie. Tiny looks so happy on your lap! Is it a treat for you, too? I love when Sweetie is on my lap...He is such a great comfort....Hope you had a ball at Bowling! Looking forward to pictures of this.

r.fuel said...

I love that second picture of Stinky. So much joy. So much flapping, loose skin.

Chickie said...

Mike - I'll be glad when this funk passes.

Anne Arkham - She is a beautiful dog. And she has the sweetest personality.

Sassy One - Red devil? That's too funny, I'm gonna file that one away for future use!

The Phosgene Kid - They sure are good company.

Joey Polanski - She wasn't loungin - she was recharging. Right after I took that picture she launched off my leg and attacked Stinky.

MCB - They play like that once or twice a day. Stinky barks the whole dang time too.
I'm gonna post more pictures of the pool once they fix the tile!

Bex - Tiny dog sometimes has a lot to say. I was tired of her hogging space over here.

I'm glad you're back!

Bekah - Hmmm, you don't happen to work for the Basset hound protection agency, do you?

OOLOTH - Tiny's almost always on my lap but not often on my leg like that. When I'm laying down she likes to snug up between my shoulder and my head.

R. Fuel - It tickles me to see how much fun she has when they play.