
The Day After

If I ever go deaf, I'm going to carry a stick around to poke people with so I can get their attention when I have something to say.

I ingested waaaay too much alcohol last night. This morning I discovered it's possible to vomit so much that you clog the toilet. On my way to work, I found out if you really need a place to puke in a hurry, a discarded envelope isn't the best place to go because it will leak. Do you know what vomit smells like after baking in your cupholder for 3 hours? Not good. Not good at all.

I actually forgot to take any photos of Sweety doing his bowling thing last night. This was the only photo I took. Bowlers seem to be an easily riled lot; I was afraid the flash would anger one and cause an attack upon my person. So I kept the camera on the down-low.

At one point I used my thoughtbeams to end a guy's striking streak. It gave me a headache. When he threw the ball and it wasn't a strike, I cheered. Sweety advised me that that wasn't the best thing to do.

Sweety was kind enough to chronicle my passing out on the way home using the camera. Those photos won't be published. They were a nice surprise when I got ready to download my picture though.

Here I am smirking at something. There is no telling what the hell I was thinking about. Probably something not very nice. Since Sweety was taking pictures of me on the way home and at home, I'm assuming that I didn't say or do anything too uncouth while we were out. I hope not anyway. I haven't had a chance to talk to him today because I left my phone in his car last night. I'm cooking a meatloaf now to help atone for any boorish behavior.

I can't believe that I used to go out and drink like that once or twice a week.


Joey Polanski said...

Where was Tiny Dogs nose wile you was cloggin th toilet?

Jus wondrin ...

Chickie said...

I had to swat her away a couple of times before she'd go away.

Anonymous said...

I hope you are feeling better now. Its was nice of you to go bowling and keep Sweety company. Are you going to do it again some time? Including the alcohol?

Anonymous said...

I love you a lot.

But, I think I love you more when you're smirking while you're drunk.

Chickie said...

MCB - I may do it again sometime but I'll try to lay off the sauce.

Bekah - I'm glad somebody does. I think I'm a hard love, sometimes.

The Phosgene Kid said...

The puking is natures way of telling you to stop doing that. I was a big drinker once but found it just isn't worth it. Press on and use your writing as an outlet, it is a good way to vent and won't make you sick the next morning.