

Just in case I haven't mentioned it, the ExWife is an effing idiot. Sweety said if I'd let my grudge against her go that I may change into a different, happier, person. Whatthefuckever, I like my sometimes-crappy attitude. If you are pleased when you hear about someone's bad fortune, does that make you a grudgeholder? I don't think so. I used to be a grudgeholder and wish horrible things would happen to her but since her husband's demise, I no longer lay awake at night and hope for her to die a fiery death.

This weekend was when the boys' school had their Spring Festival thing. A few weeks ago, LB(9) asked me if I'd work in his class booth and I told him that I would as long as he worked with me; He was agreeable. They were at their mom's this weekend and she was going to bring them and their brother to the Festival and LB would work with me. She calls Sweety last Tuesday saying that she can't take them because she doesn't have any money. Sweety tells her that he's already paid for the bracelets that the kids can buy to get unlimited rides on the things there so she doesn't have to pay for that. And guess what her fucking response was? "What about their brother? I don't have one for him." I think she thought Sweety'd volunteer to buy the boys' halfbrother a bracelet too. Instead he told her that we could pick them up Saturday morning and take them and then bring them back to her. Sweety and I worked a booth in the searing Florida sunshine for about an hour and I'm all crispy like a tater tot now. I didn't wear make-up because I didn't want it to sweat into my eyes and I overlooked putting on suntan lotion. My freckles should be out in full force within the next couple of weeks.

Thursday night was the night LB(11) got to go check out the new Middle School that he'll be attending next year. I thought it was interesting that EW's toes had a fresh french manicure, her nails were newly acryliced, the hair was still highlighted, and her tan was a brown as ever. When you look like a bar of soap, every little bit helps. I guess after all the personal maintenance she was too broke for anything else.

Both of the canines went swimming this weekend. Sweety put Tiny dog in and I went to the other side of the pool to encourage her to swim across. She got caught in the current of the pool jets and got turned around about halfway across and had to go back the way she came. She took a nice nap after that. Stinky dog wasn't too keen on the swim. She's too long to get on the step and get out of the pool on her own. I may get some kind of ramp to put in the pool so they can get in and out.

Speaking of the pool...The water is no longer crayon green. It's a nice blue color. I'll be so effing glad when it's all done and I can have my yard back. The pool was filled with water last Monday and overnight it lost about 6 inches of water. We filled it back up and it leaked again. And again. Our calls to the pool place went unanswered so Sweety started snooping this weekend and found the problem. There was some kind of pipe leading away from the pool and going into the fucking ground. The pipe was in the hole where the skimmer basket is so we didn't realize what was happening at first. We noticed that the ground on that side of the pool seemed to be saturated from the inside out and that's when Sweety found the problem. He put a fifty-cent lid on the pipe and now the pool is holding water. This pool place is run by a bunch of idiots. I will not recommend them to anyone.

After watching the last episode of Big Love, Sweety asked if it would be okay if we got another wife. Sure! As long as I get to find her! I will be auditioning soon for the next wife. It's a bonus if you promise to play gin rummy with me in your spare time. And I'd like to sleep in the middle of the bed at least 3 nights a week. I think it must feel good to be spooned from both sides.


Joey Polanski said...

Dont Stinky an Tiny like t spoon wit ya?

New Girl said...


I LOVE Big Love.

My sister is all about it is is trying to get me to be the second wife for her husband.

Paul thinks he could NEVER keep up with more than just me.

In any case-I ADORE that show.

Did you know Margene has a blog? It's kind of cheesy, but why not?

Anonymous said...

Sweety is crazy. Keeping up with two women in the bedroom isn't the problem; its other places that it would be hard. And what if they both got PMS at the same time?

Chickie said...

Joey Polanski - They shed too much. I don't want dog hair in my butt crack.

New Girl - I freaking love the show - watching it is one time that I demand complete silence. Heh, I've been reading Margene's blog. Sometimes, cheesy is fun!

Mike - Sweety doesn't need a blog. You've gotta get a first wife that likes boobs; That's the first hurdle.

MCB - Oh hell, if he thinks about the double-shot of PMS then I'll never get a live-in friend...

Jen said...

LOVE Big Love. Seems the actress who plays Margene is getting type-cast as a numbered wife. #3 in big love and #1 in Walk the Line. I'll have to check out her blog.

Chickie said...

Jen - I didn't know she was in Walk the Line - that may prompt me into watching it.

The Phosgene Kid said...

Tyr small feeds of chicken and rice for the dog for a few days then slowly mix his regualr food back in. For the kid, don't let him eat anything he can't see through and dairy is probably a really bad idea.

Glad your pool is up and running without creating a sinkhole in the back yard.

Chickie said...

The Phosgene Kid - The kid and dogs seem to be okay. I don't know what the heck hit them all at once.

In Florida, there is ALWAYS time for a sinkhole to appear!

aWoman'sBlog said...

I so totally love my I like my "sometimes-crappy attitude." Why, because it's often where my truth is hiding. Thanks for the post.

Chickie said...

Artemis - You're welcome. Sometimes life is good and sometimes it just stinks.