
To Be Fair...

Since I mentioned some things about Sweety in the previous post, I should probably be fair and list some things that I'll bet he could live without.

* The gas tank always being almost empty when he gets into my car. (I plan it that way. He'll actually spend the money to fill the tank so I only put five dollars in at a time, just waiting for him to drive it.)

* Me asking to shake his weenie off after he pees. He won't let me. I think it would be fun.

* Being attacked by a baby carrot.

Being hit in the head with a magazine. (I forget what started it, but I whapped him upside the head a few times with a tightly rolled magazine the other night. Once I got him backed into a corner it was pretty easy. And later we had sex all over the place so it's not like I was mean ALL night.)


Anonymous said...

Mark won't let me hold his weenie while he pees, or shake it off. He thinks I'm going to go all crazy and write my name in the bowl or something. :-(

Chickie said...

Bekah - Sweety told me that it was too personal to share. Whatever.

Dirk the Feeble - Well, I've never done it. It might be fun to wobble it around and try to get those last few drops into the toilet.

Anonymous said...

My Sweetie has let me hold his weenie while he pees as well as to shake it off afterwards. I have to say that the holding while peeing part is tons better because you can make patterns and write words and stuff. This works especially well when peeing in an outdoor environment using cement or dirt as the canvas.
I don't believe wanting to try this is weird, but I can understand that men just don't get the "why in the hell would you want to do that?" part since they get to have the fun all the time.
Tell Sweetie to share, nothing should be TOO personal at this stage!

Anonymous said...

You know, while I ponder further on the subject of holding the weenie while peeing, I now want to go find some cheerios or other target like material to float on the potty water and see how my aim is using my Sweetie's weenie. I know that's one way to potty train little boys!. Be back later, got stuff to try!

Anonymous said...

California Girl land I share almost everything but my weenine when I'm peeing isn't one of them. I've known several women who could pee standing up over the years so you women have more capability than you're thinking.

Chickie said...

AuntieRob - You are my new hero! I need some Cheerios!

MCB - I can pee standing up (I don't do it as a common occurance but I know how to do it if caught in the wild.), it's the whole shaking it off thing that I find neat.

Anonymous said...

I too can pee standing up, but for me the difference is being able to control the aim. It is SOOOOO much easier to aim accurately with a weenie than without. Kind of like a sniper picking a person off in a crowd at 500 yds vs. a shapnel grenade that will pretty much pick off anyone near by. Accuracy is key, thus the cheerios ;)

Zube said...

I do the gas thing, too.