
The Truth

I cleaned the house yesterday. Cleaning also involved changing Pete's water. After putting him back in his fishbowl - He swam furiously around in a circle and launched himself out of the bowl and onto the kitchen table (I had to put something over the top of the bowl to keep him from jumping out again). I must confess that I washed his rocks with dish soap but I feel that IN NO WAY contributed to his demise. It was just his time to go. In his honor last night I drank an extra couple of vodka & orange juices and my brain hurts too much for sleep right now.

Sweety: I have changed Pete's water many times before in the same manner. Do not dare come to me and say that I killed the fish.


Anonymous said...

My son had a fish that lasted 1 year then a few that last a couple of months the one he has now is 8 months old.. strange how that works.. You did not kill him...but the drink part is always good

Anonymous said...

He was a good fish and you killed him.

Anonymous said...

Isn't two years really old for a fish, anyway? I mean, that could be like 102 in fish years! Of course he would've died anyway!

Chickie said...

Geez Anne, why don't you kick a girl while she's down? Suddenly, I feel suicidal.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Pete 6 was suicidal? You know, all the counseling in the world can't stop a fish from kill himself if he really wants to go.

Chickie said...

Bekah - That's what I'm thinking. Especially with the way he was jumping out. Death was preferable to another day in the bowl.

Anonymous said...

Fish killer.

Chickie said...

Anne Arkham - *sniffle* *sniffle* The guilt is becoming overwhelming.

shannon said...

one of my best friends had a fish kill itself in that very manner (jumping out of it's bowl after cleaning). we blamed her, because she was a fish killer by that time (never had one live long at all). pete, it was his time.