
Weird Sweety

Things that I want no part of:

1) I NEVER EVER EVER need to see Sweety stick his finger in his ear and then feed earwax to Tiny dog.

2) I NEVER EVER EVER want to see or hear about him farting in his effing hand and then smothering Tiny dog with it.

3) The same goes for farting on Tiny and then giving her to me like a living stink bomb.

4) "Hey, the next time you go pee, can I go at the same time and see if we can get the streams to cross?" is a phrase that is totally unnecessary. (For the record, every time I went to the bathroom after hearing that yesterday, I ran to the bathroom and locked to door so I could pee in peace.)

It is frightening that we get along so well.


Benjamin said...

there are times when I'm acutely aware how little of a "Man" I really am.

Titus said...

When we were younger I would fart into a pillow and then smother my brother with it.

Chickie said...

Benjamin - These things are not shows of manliness, just appalling.

Titus - Yech.

Joey Polanski said...

So much fer th FINE smell of a chwawas head, huh?

Anonymous said...

Eww. Tiny eats ear wax? Is there anything that she does not eat? What else does Sweety feed her?

Anonymous said...

Next thing you know, he'll be peeing in the bathtub.

The Phosgene Kid said...

Sounds like you got the frog instead of the prince.

My son-in-law likes to tease Yukon. I have already warned him that when Yukon finally loses patience and takes his arm off at the shoulder he'll get no sympathy from me.

Chickie said...

Joey Polanski - My dog head sniffing days may be over. Til her next bath anyways.

MCB - There is nothing that she won't eat. I think that's all she dined on from Sweety.

Anne Arkham - Oddly enough, that doesn't bother me. As long as he doesn't do it while I'm in the tub too.

The Phosgene Kid - I definitely got a prince. I grouch a bit but he puts up with a lot from me. He's a good egg.