
Of Kids & Hair

Friday's field trip to Islands of Adventure went pretty well. When we got there we realized that it was the day that the park invited all of the schools to come for a discounted price and the place was packed. At first, we'd been told that we'd have one other kid to chaperone along with BB. When we got there we were given 4 others instead. The lines for all of the rides were an hour to an hour and a half long so we got express passes for our group and we were able to bypass the long lines and got to ride everything. I think the other groups that came with us only got to ride about 3 rides each (we were there for about 7 hours) due to the long lines. It was really neat to see how excited BB got after riding the roller coasters and thrill rides. He'd never done that sort of thing before and he was beaming when he got off of them.

I went somewhere Saturday to see about getting my hair done but the place was crowded and I didn't want to go in to make an appointment. Sometimes, when I see a bunch of people somewhere like that, I just freak out and leave. Which is what I did Saturday. I think I'm gonna call the lady who used to do my hair and see when she can get me in. I quit using her after her shop had some damage and she had to move but I'm ready to go find her again.

BB(11) gave me a Mother's Day gift :) I was really surprised. When we went to school on Friday he gave Sweety a bag and told him to put it in the car. I thought it was a present for his mom that he didn't want me to see because he didn't want to hurt my feelings. On Saturday we were dropping them off at her house after their basketball game (they got beat pretty good, by the way) and he gave me the bag and told me "happy mother's day". It was a little wooden box that he'd painted with clear glitter paint (he knows I love sparkles!) and lined with material and his school photo was inside. It's really cute. It now has a place of honor on my desk at work. I was admiring it while stopped at a red light on my way to work Sunday and my foot came off the brake and I almost rolled into the car in front of me. I decided to wait til I got to work to look at it further.


Anonymous said...

Awwwww...how really sweet! My step-kids gave me homemade gifts too...but didn't make their mom anything. I would have let them give their gifts to their "mom", but they didn't even ask.

Isn't that cool about BB! You must be so honored! LOL

Yeah, and be careful when you are driving, Chicklet. I don't want you to become roadkill!

Missed you this week, btw

Chickie said...

Mike - It was quite a weekend and the present was a nice surprise.

Bex - I don't know if he made anything for his mom too. Sweety did get them a card to give to her.

I'm probably the world's luckiest driver. I don't want to be roadkill either! It's not the dying part that worries me - I don't want to hurt!

I've been lurking. Just haven't had much to say.

Joey Polanski said...

You wernt kiddin when ya said ya love sparkles! Th box musta had ya mezmerizd wile you was drivin!

OldLady Of The Hills said...

What a thoughtful special gift, Chickie. I love that he made this for you and really thought about what you would like, with the glitter...And I love that he lined the inside and then put his photo in there...A very special Mothers Day Gift, indeed.

Chickie said...

Joey Polanski - I think I was a bird in a past life and I had a lot of tin foil in my nest.

OOLOTH - It was very sweet. It made me cry!

Melissa - I'm trying to not be on the computer so much when the family is at home. But for some reason, they (Sweety & the boys) think it's okay to play computer pinball endlessly...

Thanks for coming by! I'll try sneak in more blog time!

Scotty Ice said...

IOA rocks!!! of course this is my inner geek talking......

Chickie said...

Scotty Ice - Your inner geek is right!

The Phosgene Kid said...

That was nice of the boy to give you a presnet, that shows acceptence, unless the present turns out to be a bus ticket oneway out of town, of course.

You are much braver than I - I do like kids, from a disatnce. I play Santa for them at X-mas, but Islands of Adventure sound likes one of the levels mentioned in Dante's Inferno.

Anonymous said...

That's so sweet that he gave you a hand-made gift! And, I love Islands of Adventure, it was one of the best reasons to live in Florida. Glad you guys had a good time, even if you had four extra kids to watch over.

Chickie said...

The Phosgene Kid - I really liked the gift because it was something that he came up with on his own.

I prefer kids from a distance but I decided to do anything I could with the boys when they're little because I know at some point teenage angst will come in and they won't want to be seen with me!

Bekah - The very best part was that one of the kids refused to ride any "scary" rides so Sweety & I had to take turns babysitting him while the other kids rode. And the kid peed in his pants on one of the rides that he did go on.

Anonymous said...

Ok Chickie....just how close to Orlando are you!?!?! Reason I'm asking....we're coming there for vacation in July....we totally gotta hook up...I mean, I can't be that close to a Blog Bud and not meet!!!!!!

Islands of Adventure is on our list to do there, but damn, if the lines are that long now...I can just imagine what it will be like in July.....shit!