
The Fun We've Been Having

It has certainly been an interesting couple of days around here. Tuesday night Sweety and I had quite a conversation. He has noticed that I seem to be exhibiting some signs of depression or something and he suggested that I get a hairdo in order to cheer myself up. What he said was something like "Why don't you start with getting your hair done?" and what I heard was "Geez, you ugly bitch. Fix that bird's nest on top of your head." The reason I've been wearing a ponytail for forever is that I'm waiting on it to grow out so I can fix it like I used to. I've decided fuck it all. This weekend I'm going to the mall and picking out the gayest hair stylist in the place and telling him to do whatever he wants. (It was my sister's idea to go with a flaming hairdresser. She said she always gets good luck that way.)

On Wednesday Sweety remarked that he couldn't talk to me about sensitive things because of the line that I've drawn in the sand. I told him there's no line in the sand but if you're fixing to tell me something that you know I won't like, then give me a warning. Something like "Hey, I know you don't want to talk about this but..." Don't just sit me down and tell me I need to get my hair fixed. Because that could get you hurt.

I am making more of an effort to be a bit more lively around the house. This includes not hiding in bed all day and not tapping away on the computer when everyone is home so as to be more sociable. I know I've been a weirdo grouch for the past few weeks and I'm working on it.

HNT was absent this week because I figured it wasn't a good idea to ask Sweety to take a picture while we were walking around on eggshells.

One of the things that I've been antsy about it that we are coming up on our five year anniversary. I've never been with anyone that long where I still liked them at that time. So whenever I've felt grouchy or he's done something to irk me lately I think "Hmmm, is this the beginning of the end?". We both decided that maybe it's not a good idea to look for problems when they're not there.

Stinky dog is having skin allergy problems. Her back is all itched up and looks like it hurts. I'm keeping her doped up so hopefully she'll be well soon. It's hard work keeping Tiny dog away from her. We've discovered that while Tiny loves eating Stinky's eye boogers - she REALLY chows down on pus encrusted scabs. I've never gagged so hard in my life as I did at seeing Tiny humping Stinky and eating her freaking sores while she got down on it.

Me & Sweety are both off work tomorrow to chaperone a field trip for BB(11)'s class. We are going to a theme park and I'm just really hoping it doesn't rain. It was supposed to rain today but just started a little while ago. There is nothing that I want to do less than walk around in ninety degree weather while getting rained on.


The Phosgene Kid said...

Might try giving stinky some benedryl. 'Strella Dog had some broken skin on her nose (how an animal that eats stuff of the ground can have allergies is beyond me) we give her one capsule a day.

Chickie said...

We're doing Benadryl. It makes her sleepy but at least she's not scratching while she's asleep. Poor dog.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

So sorry you are going through a rough patch with Stinky and Tiny..(I kind of gagged when I read about her eating habits...)..and I hope you get through these doldrums, my dear Chickie...I think you and Sweety are a great couple...he is right you know, don't look for trouble where there isn't any...I send you hugs, my dear...

Chickie said...

OOLOTH - Thank you. I'm being paranoid but at least I know it :)

Anonymous said...

Honey, it's in the air....Gomer has been home for 3 freakin' weeks! He FINALLY got his truck fixed and went back on the road yesterday....and not a day too soon, he was pissing me off!! Funny thing, he wasn't gone 2 hours and he called me, and I was laughing and feeling good, and he said, "So, are you in a good mood cause I'm gone"....I've learned to lie really good!!!!LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

(1) Get your hair done and leave the microwave door open.

(2) 90 degrees? *sigh* It's ten degrees above freezing here. I wore a down parka to walk the dog.

Anonymous said...

As txsm said, it IS in the air. I either sleep all day, or play on the computer. We even talked about your idea of me getting paid to clean...I'll get 100 a week starting next week to do laundry 3 days a week, and clean bathrooms and straighten the other 2. I think I can handle that.

I was on Prozac AND Effexor, and they still don't take away the gloomies. I think the Prozac made them worse.

And I feel the same about my marriage, and I've been married TWICE before...I've never been in love for this long before. We're coming up on 4 years in July.

I just think it IS possible to find your soul mate. That's what makes 50 and 60 year marriages!!

Love ya girl!

Sassy said...

OMG I threw up a little in my mouth at "eye boogers". I don't do snot well at all. LOL! I say get the gayest of gay hairstylist and go wild! Be sure to show us a pic!

Anonymous said...

"Flat spots" happen from time to time in any long term relationship. Just make sure that you are not seeing problems where there aren't any.

Tiny eating "pus encrusted scabs" of Stinky sounds really gross and I am trying hard not to visualize it.

When its 90 degrees outside I would rather walk around in the rain than in the burning sun.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Dear Chickie...I just wanted to wish you a Very Happy Mothers Day, my dear...You are a fantastic mom to those boys and this is your day, in my book! Hope you all have a lovely day today.

Amy said...

Happy Mother's Day!!

My husband is bugging me to whack my hair off, he says he likes it short.

Our dog has awful allergies too. Hives, sores, the whole bit. The vet says it's a food thing and last time he had to have a cortizone shot. Poor thing.

Hope Stinky gets better soon!

Chickie said...

TXSM - I'm glad to know it's not just my household that's going through the grouchies :)

Anne Arkham - (1) Those are on the to-do list.

(2) You are so lucky! I hate hot.

Bex - I think part of my gloomies are that I'd gotten off a med but I'm back on it now. I can already tell that I feel better.

I'm sure that Sweety is "the one" for me, I just hope he continues to tolerate my occasional craziness.

Mike - I would much rather be cold than hot. You can always wear a coat to warm up but if it's hot there's only so many clothes that you can take off.

Tiny Dog is simply revolting.

Sassy - A photo will definitely be shown once I get my new 'do!

MCB - I think this is the first "flat spot" we've been in and that's why I've freaked out.

Anything you can visualize about Tiny snacking isn't nearly as gross as it really was. I've had to keep Stinky dog sprayed down with some nasty tasting stuff to keep Tiny from eating her.

But if it's hot and rains on you then you're all steamy and sticky. And your pants chafe against your body.

OOLOTH - Thank you so much!

Amy - Sweety is just the opposite; I suggested a short haircut and he decided he likes the way it is now.

Stinky is on the mend.