
Scattered Thoughts

The damn pool is finally finished! Yay! It only took Sweety going up to the place and talking to the top person twice before it was finished. There are no more broken tiles and the water isn't green any more. The water's blue and cloudy but should be clear soon. Guess where next week's HNT photos will probably be?

Now all we have to worry with is the inspection by the city. We have to get the alarms up on the windows and doors leading out to the pool and have to fix the gates so they are self-closing. Surely it will all go smoothly.

I am so looking forward to having it inspected and not having to worry about people being in my backyard!

Tiny dog damn near gave me a heart attack today. I let her out in the backyard and then I went inside to get something. When I came back out I couldn't find her. Just when I was getting ready to freak out and start combing the neighborhood, she came prancing around the corner. I think she'd been hiding behind the pool pump.

Does anyone really eat broccoli butts? I was munching on some broccoli out of a bag this morning and realized that I had a mound of these things left. I started to cook them for the dogs but then I thought it was kind of gross to cook food that I'd bitten off of. I reckon Tiny and Stinky wouldn't mind though. Maybe I'll do that next time. Tiny dog will actually eat vegetables raw but Stinky is a fan of hot meals.

On the way home yesterday, I was stuck in traffic because of a brush fire that was going on not too far from the interstate. As I'm sitting there watching the helicopter drop water on the fire, I notice the dumbass in front of me flick a cigarette out of the window. Helloooo! Do you not see all this FIRE that is everywhere because everything is so dry? I see you have room for your Beanie Baby collection on the dashboard but I guess there's not an ashtray in there, huh? I pictured myself getting out of my car and kicking her in the head. That made me feel a little bit better.

Litterbugs bother me. Sweety and I were walking across a store parking lot one day and some lady in an SUVish sort of thing tossed her cigarette out right beside us. My mood was rather crappy that day and watching her do that really irked me. I started walking towards it because I was all ready to toss it back in her window and tell her that she lost something. Sweety wrestled me into the car before I could though.

I realized that if you google or search for the canines by their real names that this site is one of the first things that comes up. I do hope the EW never feels the need to see what she can find out about my dogs on the internet. I told Sweety that I haven't written anything that I'd let her make me ashamed of so I'm not going to worry about it.

Oh rats. I just remembered that I forgot to get bleach when I was at the store earlier. Now I'm gonna have to venture out again.


Anonymous said...

EWs can be dangerous. And idiots.

Cool about the pool. I'm there!

Margaret said...

glad the pool is finished...

i think you should have tossed the cig back at the lady...and then caught it on camera...lol


New Girl said...

I love all parts of Broccoli-I love heads and butts.

But I'm weird like that.

Anonymous said...

All of broccoli is delicious when covered in melted cheese. Mmm.

Glad to hear the pool is finished. I'll probably miss next week's HNT post because I'll be on vacation. POO! Maybe you should email me the special limited edition print of the HNT picture? haha, just kidding. Dude, that makes me sound creepy!

That sucks about the brush fire. Hoepfully you'll get some of this rain we got today.

Chickie said...

Bex - This EW wins a trophy in the idiot category.

Monkey - I think I will toss the cigarette back in the next time I see someone doing that.

New Girl - I'll eat the butts if they are skinny baby ones. I was eating broccoli once and got a big bite of the stalk and it was all woody and made me gag. I've kept away from them since then.

Bekah - Ooooh, broccoli cheese casserole...I'm hungry now.

This way you'll have the HNT to look forward to when your pesky cruise it out of the way :)

I don't think it's ever gonna rain again!

The Phosgene Kid said...

Use a peeler on the broccoli stems to get rid of the tough outer skin and you'll find the inside sliced up and added to salads and soup is quite good - it has a zesty flavor.

Holly {ArtistMotherTeacher} said...

This is totally off subject but I just noticed you were a bicentennial leo—just like me!

r.fuel said...

I'm going to have to try that the next time I see somebody toss a cigarette out their window. I'd like to see what they do when it lands in their lap.

BO Snagley said...

I give the borccoli butts to the chickens. they seem to like them.
they hate celery though.
Speaking of cerery. have you talked your husband into letting you keep fuzzy britches yet.
You should try a come hither look.

Anonymous said...

Glad that the pool is finally finished. Pool alarms are annoying. They are required for inspection but you could probably take them down after wards. We put ours up with double-sided tape so we didn't mar the woodwork.

I don't like litter bugs either. It wouldn't be to hard for them to take it home and throw it away there but they can't be bothered.

The Phosgene Kid said...

I don't look at it as littering, but rather returning the material back to nature. Besides free range styro containers are happier than the caged ones.

Anonymous said...

walking down oxford street today, a groovy chick dropped her butt, trod on it & walked on. my quick scan of the footpath revealed a rubbish bin within reach. before I could think better of it, I stepped into her path & said 'there's a bin right there'. 'sorry' she said & moved to walk on. I repeated the location of the bin, with helpful pointing gesture & she turned round & picked up the butt. hurrah!!

Holly {ArtistMotherTeacher} said...

cissy—she probably bitched the whole day about it. Good for you.

Chickie said...

The Phosgene Kid - Thanks for the idea of peeling them. I didn't know you could do that!

I think the caged styro containers have a feeling of security that the free range ones don't have. They know they're safe.

Pixie - Is it just me or do you get a kick out of seeing a bicentennial quarter too?

R. Fuel - Don't aim for the lap - go for the leather interior instead.

Spencer - I'm learning to love the vegetable family but sometimes it doesn't come easy!

Mike - I just kinda thought since the place was on fire that she'd think twice about tossing the stuff out the window. And I was pissed off at being stuck in traffic and needed someone to point my angry thoughtbeams towards.

Bo Snagley - It's a smart chicken that doesn't like celery. The come hither look doesn't work at getting a chicken. Maybe you could mail her to me and I'll say that I found her.

MCB - We had our alarms up with double-sided tape and they kept falling down. We might put them back up and hope they hold through the inspection.

Cissy Strut - Good for you!

Anonymous said...

Since the alarms required around here are loud and annoying. We didn't "install" them until the morning of the inspection.