
Fat Rat

Heh, I made out like a bandit this weekend. We went to the jewelry store and mall to get our jewelry checked for loose stones. While we were there we were kind of talking to the saleslady and her customer. When saleslady was checking out customer I heard her say "If you want to give your leftover coupons to those nice people behind you, I won't tell." My ears pricked up and I moseyed in to investigate. Turns out that the customer had $800 in coupons that you could use on anything as long as it was twice the cost of the coupons. And I've (I mean, Sweety & I) have been wanting to upgrade the diamond on my ring. We'd already upgraded it once in making the climb up the ladder to what I've had my eye on my whole damn life. When I'm in the jewelry store I get all nervous and sweaty and I babble a lot. So when I was smacking Sweety on the arm telling him to take the coupons he just thought I was talking crazy and drug my sweaty self out of there.

About 15 minutes later (after I coherently explained to him what the coupons were for) he told me to go back and see if the lady with them was still there. If she was it was a sign to upgrade my ring. She was and we did. Since it needed to be sized I don't have it yet but I have been looking at the diamond certification in the meantime.

And after he spent money on that he felt like buying something else so we got a new bedroom comforter set and some sheets. The sheets were sorely needed because there is a huge hole in the old sheets on the side I was sleeping on. I hated to buy a whole new set because it was just the fitted sheet that was ripped and when I go to TX a friend of mine is going to mend it but Sweety said he it was ridiculous to buy a compressed dinosaur and then go home and sleep on a ripped sheet. I'm still taking the ripped sheet with me on vacation so my friend can fix it - I'm attached to it.

Ew. I just spit out the biggest snot wad EVER. I spat it into the sink and it tried to say something but I hit it with a wooden spoon before pulverizing it in the garbage disposal. My sinuses are seriously effed up right now. Coughing, snotting and sneezing all over the place. I think I feel better today than I did yesterday. Really. I do. Or maybe I'm just trying to convince myself?

I figured out a way to fix it so I can surf my blogroll on my cell phone! Whooppee! I had to make another blog with just the blogroll on it and now I can read all day (or when I'm on a scheduled break) at work. I can't comment anywhere because it's just too hard to do with that tiny keypad but just reading keeps me amused. So a big "Thank you" to everyone that lives on my blogroll - you're helping to keep me from going postal at my job.

I've gotta go finish shampooing the carpet and then I pick BB(11) up from his mom's to go to the orthodontist and after I drop him off I pick up LB(9) to go miniature golfing. What a relaxing day off that I'm having!


Joey Polanski said...

Yeah. Sweetys no dummy.

Rite aftr upgradin th wifes diamond, my mind woud turn imediately to th inevitable upgrade in th bedroom too.

Chickie said...

Joey Polanski - Gee, that hadn't occurred to me. You men are a sneaky bunch...

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on upgrading your ring! I assume we'll get pictures...

Anonymous said...

From diamonds to snot wads. My mind is boggling.

The Phosgene Kid said...

I think scientists are able to make diamonds from snotwads now a days.

Michael said...

Congrats on the upgrade and yes, we need to see pics asap. I like to see what kind of jewelry standard other guys are setting for the rest of us.

Chickie said...

Michael - It's not a huge ring but you can't see any flaws in it. I like that.