
Not Much Here

I only have to work 4 more days between now and when I go on vacation on the 23rd! Woo hoo! And then, I'll be off for 15 days! BIG WOO HOO!

LB(9) didn't go to the theme park with us on Wednesday because he didn't want to ride the roller coasters so I told him that just me and him would do something next Tuesday. It turns out that they're going to be at their mom's since we'll be leaving on vacation on Friday but she was kind enough to agree to allow me to pick him up from her house Tuesday for some fun ant then I'll take him back to her that night. I'm glad that Sweety was able to work that out with her because LB was pretty crestfallen when he was told that I couldn't take him somewhere because he wasn't going to be at our house. I think we're going to go to a big miniature golfing place and then for pizza somewhere. I like doing things with the boys individually sometimes because we have better conversations than when they're together picking at each other.

The lovely Naomi aka OldOldLady of the Hills is doing something neat to celebrate her birthday month. Each day she's posting pictures from her life and stories. I'm the nosy sort of person that likes to pore over peoples photo albums and baby books and year books so I'm really loving these posts. I think I'm going to do something like that before my birthday in August.

It seems that I had something of great importance to say but it has left my head. Maybe it will return soon.


OldLady Of The Hills said...

Thank you so much for the mention,Chickie...and....Get out the Salt & Pepper and Catsup & Mustard..Your comment got PUBLISHED!!! Hooray! (Lol)
Hope you have a wonderful time with the Youngin'!!!

r.fuel said...

You are awesome for taking the kid out for a special day of his own. Awesome.

The Phosgene Kid said...

Got to give him some incentive. When we got to the top of the ride we tried to spit on people down below.

Pretty damn funny seeing Ol' Mickey Mouse wandering around with a big dangler hanging off his ear.

Chickie said...

OOLOTH - I ate the hat and it was good!

R.Fuel & Mike - Even though I grouch about them, they are very good kids.

I plan on doing a lotta nothing on my days off.

The Phosgene Kid - Yuck! But what a great idea!