
No Middle Ground

Sometimes, I wish I wasn't so black or white with things or people. Either I love you or I hate you and that's that.

If you are my friend then I will help you bury bodies or do whatever I can to cheer you up.

If you are not my friend then I will do whatever I can to make your life miserable. If you have wronged a friend of mine then you get this same treatment, even if I've never laid eyes on you. Even if it's just some tiny thing that will make you suffer a tiny bit - then I will happily do it and leave all guilt under the doormat.

avatar Maybe I need some anger management or something.


Joey Polanski said...

Maybe you shoud join th WWE.

Anonymous said...

I agree 100%. I am the same way.

No anger management neccessary

Chickie said...

Joey Polanski - That's a good idea. I wouldn't mind wearing glittery spandex and smacking people.

Jeni - I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one!

Michael said...

Anger management??? NO WAY!! Have you ever heard the saying "the only way to truly overcome temptation is to yield to it"? Well, following that logic, the only way to overcome your anger issues is to beat the holy shit out of some asshole that deserves it. Just make sure there are no witnesses;)

r.fuel said...

Yes. I love the Rejected cartoons. Awesome.

And I would venture a guess that this blog is your anger management. Venting about the EW here probably helps prevent you from pickle fork murders.

Bathtime Gal said...

You know...there are alot of places to 'get rid of' the thing that angers you and no one has to know....hee!!!

Anonymous said...

See, and this is why I love you so much. I hope MY bitch isn't bothering you again. Let me know if she is!

I don't think you need anger management. I think you are freakin' NORMAL!!


Redroach said...

Anger management? Not a chance.
I am scared that we are both clones of the same person. Too similar in thoughts to be anything but really scary.

Anonymous said...

I've got some bodies that need burying. You in?

Mike said...

Anger management is for sissies.

Chickie said...

Michael - Okay, no witnesses. And if I see any, I'll beat them down too.

R. Fuel - It hadn't occurred to me that this was my form of anger management but I think you're right.

Bathtime Gal - I so wanted to put a body under the pool before it was cemented in!

Bec - I think my sinning self scared off your bitch. But it does warm the cockles of my heart to know that she's praying for me.

Thomas Vickers - Hey, do you wanna run with me for President? I'll let you be the VP.

Tragic - I can always use help!

Anaglyph - Count me in. I just cleaned off my shovel.

Mike - Yeah! I'll go so far as to say that anger management is for pussies.

Bekah - Amen, Sister!
I adore the cartoon also!

Chickie said...

MollyNormal - I'd start off by sprinkling roofing nails by her car.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Love that little animated thingy...Sometimes I wish I could do that to certain people, too! Maybe the whole world needs anger management! (lol)

Monogram Queen said...

Sugar you and I think ENTIRELY too much alike. I'm your friend to the end but cross me and you will rue.the.day. For.Real.

Chickie said...

OOLOTH - I think anger management would just make me sneakier.

Patti_Cake - Amen, Sister!