
Happy Half Nekkid Thursday!

Sometimes, I am a neglectful pet owner and let Tiny dog run out of food. I scramble eggs for her when this happens. The smell of eggs cooking makes me gag but Tiny loves to get an omelet.


And if you are so inclined, you could give my photo on the sidebar a click to help me out at 25 peeps.

Have a great Thursday!


Brown eyed girl said...

Love this photo!
Happy HNT!

Leesa said...

How sweet :) HHNT!

Anonymous said...

I am hungry, and this is a sweet hnt!!!

Mike said...

Nice photo. I would wrestle Tiny Dog for those eggs right about now.

Suze said...

I love this shot! Is Tiny a Manchester Terrier? BTW, I like mine scrambled.

Happy HNT sweetie ;)

Monogram Queen said...

Tiny & Stinky posts make my day! HHNT sugar

AndyT13 said...

Woot! Happy picture! HHNT!

Anonymous said...

Oh that is so sweet, both you and the little pooch! BTW, do you do poached? :0)

Happy HNT!

Rich | Championable said...

That's SO weird.

When I run out of eggs, I eat dog food.

The Phosgene Kid said...

Eggs are good for their coat.

Our dogs almost had some foreign food last night; some snapperhead had his poodle out with no leash. Borderline cannibalism perhaps, but any small animal is fair game as far as huskies are concerned.

Chickie said...

Rich Championable - I prefer cat food.

The Phosgene Kid - Mental note to self: Make Tiny run the other way if we ever see huskies.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Tiny is always surprising me! And now, Scrambled Eggs. Look at her there waiting at your feet for her Treat! (lol) Love that doggie, and you too, Chickie!

Anonymous said...

LOL...just the other day, my dogs got lasagna, cause we were out of dog food. I have also fried them hamburgers when we were out of dog food.

What great doggie parents we are! LOL

Chickie said...

OOLOTH - Now, when I pull out a cooking pan, she goes nuts! You're such a sweetie :)

Becky - My dogs are big spaghetti fans too. Do you think our dogs realize how lucky they are?