
Run, Spot! Run!

This afternoon Sweety's sister dropped her bassett hound and chihuahua off to be watched by us for the next week.

At around 9:30 tonight - the chihuahua got loose.

Sweety was walking him and he just slipped out of his collar and took off like a bat out of hell. We combed the neighborhood and after about an hour and a half we saw him hiding in the bushes and managed to corral him into the yard.

That was the worst 90 minutes of my life. SIL loves her dog like I love my dogs and all I could think about was how awful it was going to be to tell her that her neurotic little dog had flown the coop.

The little turd is hiding behind the couch right now. I might just let him potty in the damn house so I'll know there's no chance of escape.


Mellissa said...

I agree - let him "potty" inside - or run out and buy that little sucker a harnesh leash...that'll stop the madness!

Good luck!


OldLady Of The Hills said...

Oh My Lord! Be Still My Heart!
I can just imagine how awful those 90 minutes! I am not sure I would have survived, if it had been me! And I sure understand you just letting that liitle guy just pooping..wherever!!! OY!

Mike said...

That's why we got a harness for Carmen. She'd slip a collar in a heartbeat.

Joey Polanski said...

I couda predictd that.

Thats cause a chwawa aint got no head -- just a neck wit a face on it.

Ears th size o airplane wings only make it SEEM zif theres a real head there.

Chickie said...

Since his sister dropped him off with a collar, we just assumed that it would be okay. We're only going to walk him in the back (fenced) yard from now on.

Joey, if you could've predicted it then why the heck didn't you warn me?

The Phosgene Kid said...

Try taxidermy, that'll slow the little fellow down and you can still enjoy having the little rat around.

Rich | Championable said...

I just duct tape the little dog to the big dog.

Anonymous said...

Heh. I like Rich's idea.

I can imagine the terror of those 90 minutes. I've never 'sat a dog that got away, but I've only 'sat twice, once for a dog I loved, once for a dog that I didn't (I know, tough to believe there's a dog in this world I don't like, right?), but either way, I would have been horrified at losing someone else's heart like that.

Thank Dog you found him. And I like the harness idea, but if not, the fenced-in yard sounds like a winner.

Anonymous said...

Chihuahua's are quite possibly the most obnoxious dogs on the face of the planet. None-the-less, someone loves that little guy, so thank God you found him!

I peeped you, by the way. Nice blog.


Joey Polanski said...

Yeah. Ol Rich got a BIG belly laff outta Polanski.

DANG! Wish Ida said dat!

(*bows rspecktfully*)

Joey Polanski said...

(*notices Dancin Kitty, glazes ovr*)




Chickie said...

Phosgene Kid - I don't want to enjoy him. Just keep him alive for a week.

Rich Championable - That is grand idea. Now all I need to do is catch him...

Scorpy - That must've been a real rotten dog for you to not like it!

Blondie - This dog personifies all things that are disgusting about chihuahuas.

Thanks for coming by!

Joey Polanski - I must learn to harness the power of the kitty.

Anonymous said...

pleased u found him
"Wendy directed me here today"

Anonymous said...

I am visiting from Wendy's blog.

I noticed that you have fried squash listed in your profile. Do you have any recipes or tips for making it??? I have some beautiful squash that I am going to cook soon. :-)

Chickie said...

Jen - Nice to see you!

BlueStButterfly - Honestly, I don't cook too much squash. My Mom does it for me when I visit :)

Monogram Queen said...

Ooh nothing worse than something happening to a canine or feline charge in your care... except a palmetto bug in the pocket that is *wink*

Chickie said...

Finding the bug was a great way to top off the weekend and start the week!