I decided to leave the bugs alone. It's warmer today and most of them ran off (probably into my house) when the sun came up. There are a few stragglers left, but honestly, they're too creepy looking to kill. Some of them have wings! I don't want to start slaughtering them and have some of the little beasts fly onto me. I'm sure that by tomorrow morning they will all be gone.
My stupid laptop is acting all weird. When I start it up, it takes FOREVER to load and the hard drive makes squeaking noises like a dying baby mouse. So I'm using the desktop in the back room. And my stupid AOL isn't working so I'm just logged on through the browser. I don't like that either. But I guess I'll quit bitching and be glad that I can access the internet.
Starting with my first paycheck of the year, I got put on an allowance. I get $40 twice a month. Under this regime, Sweety should have all of the bills taken care of and at zero by the end of the year. But only having a little bit of pocket money bothers me, so I decided to do something about it. I enrolled at payperpost. I thought I could do a few posts about things that I find interesting and get paid for it. Extra pocket money. But alas, it is not meant to be. My blog was rejected because it has adult or mature material. I'll be damned. I guess I'll use Plan B for pocket money which is selling plasma.
Okay, I'm not really going to sell plasma. Only because there isn't anywhere near here that you can do it at. I used to do it though. Eight or nine years ago, when I was in Texas, I sold it like clockwork (twice a week). I didn't need the money then but I liked to people watch there. You can have some really neat conversations with homeless people. I got to be friendly with the staff and they finally asked me why on earth I was doing it (I usually came in after work with my nice "work clothes" on and stuck out like a sore thumb) and I admitted it was mainly to watch people. I also thought it would help me get over my fear of needles but it didn't. It's kind of hypnotic to watch a bunch of your blood exit your body and then have it shoved back in at a high speed. I have small veins and I quit going after some new person working there fucked my arm up royally while trying to hit a vein. I still have track marks from that incident.
Whats th werld comin to, when there aint no money t be made in peddlin adult material?
Chickie--I'm thinking you need to find a place that will pay for adult oriented posts.
My laptop has done that once or twice. I called Dell and it turns out the cure all for all problems with Dell computers is to unplug all power to the laptop including the battery and just let it sit and think about things for about 15 minutes. Then plug it all back in and start it up. So far, it has worked for every problem I have had and it beats the hell out of sitting on the phone for hours on end waiting to talk to someone from India about my computer.
Seems odd to me that they are probably sitting there stroking their sacred cow while telling me how to fix my computer.
Joey Polanski - I just don't know. These are strange times...
Mike - I'm too lazy to come up with the type of adult oriented stuff that people would pay for.
Thanks for the laptop tip! I pulled the battery out and let it rest and all seems to be well. I have a feeling that this is the beginning of the end for the laptop though.
Hope the laptop holds out a while longer. Make sure you save any files you want to keep to a CD or external drive before it croaks.
Maybe you should start evaluating vibrators. I'm sure there is some money to be made in that. and of nothing else, you could get a lot of free toys.
The first time I gave plasma I was shocked by the gauge of the needle. It looked like they were about to shove a garden hose in my arm.
R.Fuel - Oh yeah! The needle size! It reminded me of the guts of an ink pen. Yech.
Patti_Cake - I didn't bother asking Sweety to kill them. I knew he'd laugh at me and maybe flick some my way.
Once it hurt too bad and I didn't get my blood back. I went to the mall and passed out in the shoe department of some store. I need my blood.
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