
Spying on Sweety

I'm bored so I'm waking Sweety with my flash. He's awake now and decides to give me a good pose.He goes back to sleep and this time numerous flashes fail to rouse him.

You can mouse over the photos to read the captions.
No wonder he's so tired in the mornings.

I do apologize for being a shitty blogger as of late. Not commenting back, not checking blogs like normal (obsessively), etc. I've been super pissy. Super pissy makes me want to sleep all of the time because I'm not angry if I'm asleep. I'll get back on the bus soon.

Just when I say that I'm not going to concern myself with that dirty douchewater (and when I say dirty douchewater, I mean douchewater that's green and putrid with infection) of an exwife, she just really lays it on thick. I'm trying to stay calm (god bless xanax) but it is an uphill battle. Last night, she didn't go to a little gathering at BigBrother's school (that she'd told him she'd be at) but she did manage to go the the motherfucking bar last night, leaving BB at home (on a school night, no less) to babysit her fucking crotchlings. But, I'm exhaling and not letting it bother me. Just so ya know, this isn't the only thing that she's done this week, but I've been trying to not blog about her shit. I swear, it's been something new EVERY FUCKING DAY this week. Cum gargling gutter slut.


OldLady Of The Hills said...

You have such a great way with words, my dear Chickie..."Cum gargling gutter slut" is a masterpiece of a visual...Love It! (lol) She is a piece of work, that one....!

Chickie said...

I wrote her an email but didn't send it. It made me feel better.

Joey Polanski said...

This shoud be yer approach from now on, when dealin wit her nonsense: Say to Sweety: "Well, of course I think [INSRT NONSENSE DU JOUR HERE] is inappropriate; but only you can DO sompm about it."

Chickie said...

Joey Polanski - Sweety and I have just agreed to not talk about it. If I don't talk about it, my head doesn't hurt.

Mike - Man, I'm all round from rolling with the punches.

Anonymous said...

Blogs. Gotta love them. They're a great way to vent about the life crap that doggedly tries to drag the smile off your face each day. They're also a good way to amuse your readers with imaginative invectives.

Monogram Queen said...

Ya know even though I hate it for them I sincerely hope her children realize these qualities about their dear mother some day. Can't go to school for her kids function but she goes to the bar.....