
Where's my RSS feed?

Does anyone know how I'd enable my blog for RSS feeds? Under "settings" and "site feed" I've chosen the options to enable it fully but I've been told that you can't get it through RSS feed.

I spent some time goofing with it trying to get it to work with feedburner.com but couldn't get it to work. I can see it in Bloglines though.

I remember in Old Blogger there was a button that said something like "enable rss or atom feed" but that's nowhere to be found in the New Blogger dashboard.

This has gotten my goat.

But a big "Yay, me!" because I finally figured out how to fix my "Bee's Knees" linkage so those blogs open in a new window! This may be small potatoes to some, but to my computer illiterate self it was a major breakthrough.


Cissy Strutt said...

When I set up my New Blogger blog, anaglyph told me to enable RSS. I basically pushed & pulled various buttons and levers til he said, yep it's done. I have no idea how I did it. I'm way illiterater than you.

Anonymous said...

Weird. I get you just fine through bloglines.

Maybe those peeps just need to update their stuff.

I had to updated all new bloggers feeds, but it's all fine

The Phosgene Kid said...

I don't like to tinker too much , I am just happy when Blogger blogs...

Chickie said...

Phwew. I think that I did it. I've got an ugly orange button on my sidebar but am pretty sure that you could read it through any sort of RSS feed service. I think.

3 hours of my life and all I have to show for it is a tiny orange button...

Chickie said...

Oh, good! I figured out how to make the button pink so it matches. Now I'm just gonna forget about it!

Anonymous said...

I always just go to blogs that I read rather than use RSS so I can see posts in their original context, especially since people seem to spend a lot of time on their templates.

Your RSS is still a little screwy. Internet Explorer and Firefox both tell me that there are no RSS feeds on the page. I have to click on the button and then subscribe on the page that comes up then.