
Better Late Than Never...

Today's Half Nekkid Thursday assignment was to pick my favorite HNT photo of 2007.

It would have to be this set of photos.

It cracks me up to see the hounds' feet under the coffee table! I laugh every time I see these photos.

Hi, Tiny!

Hi, Stinky!

Happy HNT!

This one was a close second. I like the sparkly water.


Osbasso said...

A great choice! And your second choice was good too! But I liked your nipple more than the sparklies. Well, maybe about the same...

Have a wonderful New Year's!

Margaret said...

i love these...and the water one... :) too funny about the dog feet...that is excellent...lol


Ginamonster said...

Oh crap. there's an assignment invoved? I missed that memo!

Chickie said...

Osbasso - You should like the sparklies more! You can see nips any old time but the sun on the water like that is just a summertime thing!

Mace - Definitely not masturbating. Can't do that in front of the dogs. I feel like they are critiquing me or something.

Monkey - I think the feet really make the photos!

Ginamonster - You must have been busy passing notes in class when the assignment was being given :)

Atlas Cerise - The frog is very offended that you called it stupid.

Ginamonster said...

That nust be it!