
Toes & Tits


The bath bomb made the water pink. I liked that.

You can click on the toes to see the tits. Unless you're my sister. Spare yourself the mental image.

Happy Half Nekkid Thursday!


Osbasso said...

Well! Hot damn, woman!! Always a pleasure!

Keyser Soze said...

Lovely, both! HHNT!

Vixen said...

LOVE-LY!! Both shots...perfect.


The Phosgene Kid said...

It would be funny if you did like Laura in the Dick VanDyke show and get your big toe stuck in the faucet and then the plumber has to come and pull it out. Well, it was funny on TV.

LushlyMe said...

I love a good hot bath... HHNT!

Anonymous said...

It looks like you peed in the tub. Nice "toes" by the way.

Anonymous said...

Quite nice! Squeaky clean shots! :P

Happy HNT :)

Dee said...

That's a great photo (and I bet it was a great bath, too). Your ankles look extremely shapely :)

HHNT, xx Dee

Anonymous said...

Nice picture. Does your sister (or her husband) ever visit your blog? I though that she was too busy with other things to blog. She's probably secretly jealous anyway.

The Ethical Slut said...

Great shot! Super HNT!

themom said...

I was thinking the exact same thing as Phosgene Kid!! Toe stuck in faucet, but that would ruin a perfectly good pedi!
I checked out the other pic and now I'm blind, thank you very much. I've looked at my big droopy honkers so long, had a hard time imagining anything smaller than mine! (and mine are not photogenic!)

My Fiancee is Hot © said...

What amazing toes love the red. Gorgeous tits all beautiful

Have a great HNT


Jericho said...

I love bathtub shots!
nice toes
sexy tits

Anonymous said...

sigh...I love baths...move over so I can join you.

MarcelloNYC said...

My favorite pics o take and look at are always toes and bellybuttons.

very nicely done!

MarcelloNYC said...

My favorite pics o take and look at are always toes and bellybuttons.

very nicely done!

TK Kerouac said...

Love that shot, and the tittie one too,
with bath water like that, you could pee in it and no one would know, Happy HNT!

BlueJay said...

Mmm, lovely toes and luscious tits!

Ashly Star said...

Lucky for me, I'm not your sister, lol. Both pictures are quite nice. I love bath bombs. =D Happy HNT!

Julie said...

Hope it was a great Thursday, I'm glad I'm not your sister!!!

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Very Very Clever Chickie....!
Another winner in that Book that I keep encouraging you to put together!

Monogram Queen said...

I just like the way the words go together "toes n' tits" sounds like it should be the name of a spa or something!

Mike said...

This totally made coming back from Utah one day early like some kind of special heaven-sent bonus.

The Phosgene Kid said...

Try going to the bathroom before bathing - that way you'll avoid "bath bombs"

The Phosgene Kid said...

All right, all right, you toes are lovely - time to move on though or people will think you are vain!

Chickie said...

Midwestern City Boy - I think my sister comes here once in a blue moon but not her husband. At least, I assume she hasn't shown him this site.

She just doesn't "get" blogging. But I think she has a small MySpace addiction!

The Phosgene Kid - Okay, okay! I'm putting something new up! :)

Thank you to everyone for coming by and commenting!