
Shhh! Quiet Thursday

Everyone is gone to school. Thank you and amen. Just me and the dishwasher and the snoring dog. It's quieter now than it was when everyone else but me was asleep. I laid in bed last night listening to the pooch and Sweety take turns breathing loudly. I couldn't decide who I'd smother first. I could've put the earplugs in but was too lazy/sleepy to dig around for them.

Yesterday at lunch with Mary, she told me that work has denied her claim for unemployment. They denied it by saying she was fired for a totally different reason than what they'd given her. I know that she's being screwed. She asked if I would be a character witness when she appealed. I asked her if she was trying to get me fired too and that I was sorry but I couldn't do that because then we'd both be without jobs. Her mom was dining with us and backed me up on it. I think the world of her and if I really thought it would do any good then I'd do it. But I know it won't and that it will just earn me a target on my back. She was okay with me saying no. She's said about the whole situation that God doesn't like ugly. She's just going to let God smite the turkey that engineered her firing. I let her know I'd been thinking evil thoughts on her behalf but she asked me to stop. I also told her that if the going got tough that I'd be happy to bring her family some groceries.

Went to the school last night for a reading workshop for Sylvie(5). It comforted me in a sick sort of way to see that she's not the only kid having problems blending sounds into words. I didn't like being in the classroom with a bunch of other folks though. Had a tiny bit of anxiety. Kinda felt like I couldn't breathe. I was glad when it was over but glad that we'd had the opportunity cause they gave me some good ideas on ways to help her.

Got home around 8 p.m. At 9 p.m. when the boys are being put to bed we're looking over BB's(10) homework and it is a train wreck. On Wednesday's their mom gets them from school and Sweety picks them up after work. Yesterday he didn't get off work til 5:15 and usually he's there way earlier than that to get them. So BB has done his homework at her house and she didn't even look at it when he was done. So the poor kid was up til 10 re-doing his homework. Sweety said he's tired of looking like the bad guy when it comes to homework and schoolwork but I told him he has to do it if she's not. Or else his child will be a fourth grader forever.

I've got to learn how to braid a freaking lanyard. BB brought home this little braided doohickey from school that he'd borrowed from one of his friends cause he thought it was so cool and he wanted to figure out how to make one. What I should have said was "Hmmm. That looks neat. Hope you figure it out." Instead I said "Hey, I know what that is. It's called a lanyard. You can buy kits for them at Wallyworld. I'll get one for you next time I'm out." Little did I know that it was going to involve a very detailed instruction sheet. I'm going to take it work tonight and try to make him one. He wants one for a bracelet. I'm thinking maybe it would be easier to just break down and buy him a silver or gold i.d. bracelet like he's been begging for since he was in the first grade and that he hasn't been allowed to get cause a gradeschooler does not need to be wearing bling. And then tell him to never ask me about the lanyard project.

Got lucky last night. Woo hoo! I'm pretty sure I'd love my Sweety just as much even if he weren't so good under the sheets. Pretty sure...

Speaking of sheets - they are whispering my name.


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