
I Knew It!

My pod-mate DW has found my blog. I had a sneaking suspicion and decided to just ask him. I figured if I was giving him the evil eye while asking he'd tell me the truth. He said he will delete the link. In return I will send him the watered-down version of my blog (embarrassing sexual references and the f-word deleted) I already do this for my friend Elaine in TX so I told him I'd send them to him too whenever she gets one. He's just started a blog to vent a little about his life. It's here. I decided if he has an affair, it's his own business. I've been guilty of doing some selfish things in my past and everyone's situation is different. Now I kinda hope he does meet someone soon cause it's the only way he'll get off his lazy butt and leave his wife. I think she's just trying to out-wait him.

The prettying up really worked Saturday night. I get out of the shower and walk into the bedroom. Sweety looks at me and says "ooohhh. nice. you've got a little heart shaped one in" (he was looking at the coochie which is pierced) And I'm looking at him like he's fucking nuts cause what he's looking at is a tampon string. I was busy scurrying to get some pretty drawers to wear to bed and he caught me before I was ready. I told him I was glad he found me so very attractive. That there could be a cotton string there but his brain turns it into some kind of rhinestone ornament.

My Grandma isn't doing too good. Just getting old I think. She's been very forgetful, forgetting to eat, taking wrong medications and just confused over anything that happened before she went to sleep. Her doctor said she needs to be in a nursing home getting 24 hour care. She refuses to go to a nursing home so my sister is going to go stay with her. Sis's fiance told her he would make her car payments so she could quit her job and go. I guess there is a reason for everything. Maybe this was the grand plan behind her leaving here in November and letting Sylvie stay. I wish I were closer to my family. Geez, I'm crying. I must be a little homesick. I'll be glad when my vacation gets here.

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