
My Face Is Burning

I sit here, waiting for this green mask stuff to dry so I can go shower. And exfoliate and shave and smooth back up again. It's hard being a woman. If I were a man I would only have one kind of soap and would use it to wash everything. I'd probably just use dishwashing liquid. Instead of all of these bottles of crap I have now. I actually bought some lotion and cream that is supposed to help reduce cellulite. We shall see. I have this one little bitty ripple of something (okay, maybe cellulite) and I didn't think it was that noticeable. Til Sweety said he'd seen it too and nicknamed it my "second ass". mental note to self: don't go to sweety to ask him if he sees something on my body cause if i do he most certainly will also. and will tell me. He says the key to our marriage working so well is that he doesn't hold his thoughts/comments back. I don't know if the stuff is going to get rid of the second ass but I'm quite smooth. And I do like rubbing myself.

Sweety and I have both been pretty grouchy people today. I think his grouchiness is lack of sex so I will try to ease his suffering tonight. He revealed to me that in his book oral sex isn't the same as real sex. I didn't know that. I thought the nights when I was tired and just did a nice servicing of him that it counted as sex. But he keeps count the number of days between actual sessions. This surprises me. I can get off just from giving him a blow job and I thought that the "days since i've had sex" meter started back at zero after that. I come, you come, we're even, right? If I get you to scream and eat a pillow it ought to count for something special, dammit.

I'm going to drag in the blue suitcase and pull out some toys. We will be doing a massage with a happy ending tonight.

This is the first Saturday night in FOREVER that I haven't had any alcohol. I forgot that I drank it all on Wednesday night. The night I fell asleep (passed out, call it what you will) while getting ready to initiate some foreplay. It will be interesting to wake up without a headache.

I have tons to do with the kiddos tomorrow before work. Sylvie(6) got a snow cone maker for her birthday and I've been putting off letting her drag it out. So we're doing that and a bike ride tomorrow. I can't wait. Cause there is nothing more fun than keeping your kid and your dogs from getting ran over. And then coming home to celebrate with a nice sticky snow cone. I plan on getting up early and getting everything out of the way early so I can take a nap before work.

The facial shellac has dried. I can go scrub my freckles off now.

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