
Ouchy Day

This morning before my big workout, I decided to polish my toes and get my nails done. I'd picked off the fake nails a few weeks ago and had been completely indulging myself with chewing my nails. Disgusting? Yes, I know. Which is why I usually keep the acrylics on. The other day Sweety told me that my hands looked like I'd been in a fight with a bear and this morning they actually hurt so I went and put their shells back on. And got my pointy finger and my index finger glued together. If the nail tech isn't paying attention and actually glues your damn fingers together - that's probably a sign to hop out of the seat and go back home to chew your nails some more. Once we pried them apart and he finished the job, they looked nice.

Since my toes were looking so snazzy I wore flip-flops to school to pick up Sylvie(6) and then we went to the grocery store. She likes to ride on the cart, standing up on the end where you push it and pretend she's pushing it. I stopped to look at some strawberries and she stomped off the back of the cart and squashed my freshly polished big toe with her patent leather hard soled boot. A part of me died today in the produce aisle.

Sweety's sister is here and Sweety's insurance agent. I think she's buying some insurance and Sweety is adding on his or getting me some. I've never had life insurance before. I hope he's not getting ready to off me. The insurance guy bears a strong resemblance to someone I once dated. It's unnerving. The guy I dated was the salesman who sold me my truck in TX. Sweety knows this so he now pokes fun at me when insurance and car buying are brought up.

The birthday invitation was given to BB(10) today at school for his friend's party. I'm glad. The party is this Sunday. Who waits til Wednesday to give out invitations to a party on Sunday? I always thought you should hand them out a couple of weeks in advance. But usually when the boys bring one home during the week it's for a party that weekend.

I was trying to think of ways to get the school festival cancelled this weekend so I wouldn't have to follow through with helping for an hour but everything I came up with would have earned me time in the state mental hospital. I did have some damn good ideas though.


Anonymous said...

Ok...I just spent time reading about finger nails and toe nails, shopping, insurance, birthday invitations...do I get something for that?

Chickie said...

You are a winner! You are now the proud owner of one stinky bassett hound (no returns, refunds or exchanges allowed). Please let me know where you would like her to be shipped.

Anonymous said...

Great Blog... Check Mine out if you have a minute:



Gus Skarlis