
The Pad is Still Tidy

I have noticed that the house being clean during influences whether or not I feel inclined to have sex later. Case in point: I spent all effing Sunday cleaning the house before work and being tired at work that night but the payback was on Tuesday & Wednesday since it was clean I could sleep during the day and felt like doing the whole smooth up and make myself smell good ritual after my shower at 10 p.m. note to self: get lazy ass out of bed early on sundays to clean. it will be worth it later. check. And the place is still in order on a Thursday. Woo-hoo!

And I spoke of what eating asparagus, squash and garlic all at once does to me here. It turns out that strawberries have the opposite effect on me. I will now spend my mornings off eating large amounts of strawberries and drinking water.

The EW's birthday is Friday and I guess the boys are throwing her a surprise party. BB(10) was telling me how hard it was going to be to get the cake when they were at the store so she wouldn't notice. I told Sweety about this and now he feels bad. Like he needs to take the boys out so they can get something for their mom. I vote a big, fat "fuck that". They haven't in the past so why should they do it now?

I'm going to take some time later to change the boys' names that I've been using here. They're not their real names but something that might be linked to them if someone who knew them stumbled across this. Sweety asked me the other day if it would bother me if the EW were to find this. My answer was that I could see how that could make an uncomfortable situation for him. So I shall adjust names and take their photos down. Just in case she ever goes blog surfing. She called Sweety yesterday cause the boys told her they go online here. And she was asking if we really let them do that because she doesn't know a lot about online except that it's BAD. Yeah you idiot. We let them lock themselves in their room and put them on the evil online. But first we make sure they're in the pedophiles-r-us chatroom. Sheesh.

Time for my nap.

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