
Beware of Chickie

I feel like shit. I didn't sleep worth a squirt of piss last night. I kept having some seriously fucked up dreams and I remember trying to wake myself up by yelling at Sweety. He verified that I did indeed spend part of the night saying crazy things. As a result his sleep wasn't too good either. And I feel like maybe I was running a fever earlier and my fucking arm is aching. I dunno what's up with the arm. My right one. From about the elbow down to my fingertips has been aching for the past few days. It's starting to piss me off. I feel mean today.

I'm glad I got some good sex last night. Otherwise I'd really be a raving bitch today.

Grrrr... I'm gonna go look for a squirrel to kill and eat over an open fire in the yard later. I think that would perk me up.


Anonymous said...

Maybe some good sex would cure it. I don't know about women but for men, sex is the cure for everything.

Anonymous said...

We had some awesome sex last night while watching our new porn. Yummy.

But..I too had some really weird dreams...didn't sleep well. My wonderful hubby let me sleep this morning/afternoon. I feel much better!

Chickie said...

qop - wow. i don't have the energy to be a raving bitch if i've gotten good sex within the last 18 hours. you must tell me your secret :)
my arm is still fucking fried but that pain has been eclipsed by a backache. i'm turning into my mother - one body part at a time.

mcb - i did get some more sex later after posting this. it did take my mind off of it for awhile!

sk - what a good hubs you have. sweety let me get a nap in too. when i'm grouchy he'd rather just have me asleep!