
I'm Drugged Up

In regards to MCB's comment here one of the first times we went out with this couple that we went out with this weekend I got drunk. I mean Fucked up totally. Sweety said that he came out of the bathroom at the restaurant we were in and I was all propped back in our booth holding court like I was Dr. Ruth. Apparently I was quite loudly discussing, girl/girl sex, anal sex, and oral sex. During that night out I revealed some rather intimate things and actually called them the next day to apologize for anything I may have said that would've caused them any embarrassment. Luckily they told Sweety they had a large time and they have no problem with whatever conversation I may initiate. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I bit her hand once too. She thought I was passed out and leaned up to tickle my neck and I chomped down once her fingers were in my range.

I am no longer going to bitch about my arm hurting. Cause my effing back has been killing me all night. I think I sat weird in my chair last night to try and ease the tingling in my arm and it gave me a backache. I've had an aleve, 2 aspirin, a sleeping pill and I've been laying on this fucking heating pad rice sock thingy since about 5 a.m. I'm waiting for the sleeping pill to kick in so maybe I can sleep through the back aggravation.

I got sex again yesterday before work! Woo hoo! Put a movie on the t.v. for Sylvie and then lured Sweety into the bedroom. It was a quickie so I even had time for a nap before work. Wonderful.

Just a little over a week til school is out and Sylvie is gone. I've never done heroin, but I may get some to celebrate my kid-free status. And maybe I'll get a crack rock the size of tiny dog's head too. I am so ready to not have to be responsible for someone else on Thursdays and Fridays. I hope my sister is enjoying sleeping in while her kiddo is over here.

I'm seriously thinking about doing some volunteerism once I have Wednesdays to myself again. Maybe the Meals on Wheels program. I know they're needing people and I have a soft spot for senior citizens. For my first job I worked for a home health care agency and what I did was pretty much housecleaned for old people. I really enjoyed it. I could tell they were happy to have a visitor. Sometimes I'd take them to the grocery store and errand running even though we weren't supposed to do that because they didn't have anyone else to do it. At the time I was driving an 89 Oldsmobile Ciera. The perfect old lady car. My charges loved it. I had to quit because the job paid less than peanuts.

Yesterday I was talking to my friend in TX, Nat, and she asked if when I was there on vacation if I'd want to go to Dallas with her and a friend of hers that will be visiting the same time that I will be. Not wishing to offend anyone I said yes. But the more I think about it the more I know that I really don't want to. I think I'm going to tell her I'd love to come to her house and visit but I really don't want to waste 2 days in Dallas going out on the town when I don't really want to do that anyway. I don't mind going to a little dive bar and drinking and visiting but I'm pretty sure they'll want to go to some type of dance club/pickup place and I don't have fun at those kinds of places. With my exhusband we'd both go out to different places on the weekends and it didn't bother me to dance or talk to other guys but since I've been married to Sweety I've noticed that I feel guilty if I'm in that type of situation. I must really like him a lot.

Oh my goodness. I've just polished off half a box of cheese nips. I better go bury the box in the trash. My diet officially starts (again) after I lick the cheese nip bowl clean.

I wish stinky dog would shut the hell up and quit snoring. Jesuschristonapogostick, dog. Why can't you just breathe quietly? I'm pretty much over my guilt about almost washing her to death and she's back to getting on my nerves. Maybe I'm not totally over the guilt. I am going to let her sleep with me later.

I just realized my back isn't hurting right now. I'm gonna try and go to sleep before it starts back up!


Anonymous said...

Been there done that. With regards to discussing things with people that may be better left unsaid. I don't think I'll ever live down the conversation that started "Every time I go to a gay bar ..." I am 100% positive 5 of the 6 people that were at the table have never, ever set foot in a gay bar. I actually didn't get to say what I was going to say. Sometimes I forget who I'm talking too (and how square they are).

Anonymous said...

I forgot to say I hope you feel better.

Chickie said...

Let me guess, there were 6 people at the table and you were number 6, right? That is funny.

I am feeling better. I figured out why my back was hurting. The night before at work I sat in someone else's chair and it wasn't adjusted right for me. I was too lazy to go get my own chair. Thanks!