
Happy Thoughts

I think all is okay for now at work. I apologized to my supervisor again about the miscommunication and she said it was being fixed so I was taking vacation days on the days that I was out. I am going to try and not call out of work for awhile, fly under the radar.

Sweety and sprogs gave me a Mother's Day gift today. Voila! It is safely holding a place of honor in the crystal cabinet. When I saw it I had a puzzled look on my face and Sweety thought that I didn't like it since I wasn't saying anything. That's because I was trying to figure out exactly what it was. (other than something sparkly that i was enjoying tilting in the sunshine) It's a Swarovski tea light candle holder. Not that I'll actually burn any candles in it.

The EW was also nice enough to get me something. It's a little keepsake card that tells me what a great stepmom I am. I don't mean to sound ungrateful (but then again, i guess i am being ungrateful) but I'd just as soon she didn't bother. This is the first time she's done anything for me on Mother's Day. The boys usually make stuff at school for her but we don't go out and buy her anything. I guess we would if the boys asked to but they never have. She was at BB's basketball game today and I thanked her for it. If I hadn't had to have done that I could have kept from talking to her entirely. She didn't have her baby yesterday. She's going to do it on Monday.

For awhile she was really nice to me and I was nice back. I thought 'okay, i'll just pretend that she's never done anything to piss me off and we'll go from here'. Then she went all nutbally again a couple of times and I just don't even want to deal with her now unless it's absolutely necessary.

I finally bathed the dogs today. It had been almost 2 weeks since stinky dog's last bath. And during that time her "skin condition" has totally cleared up. It definitely seems that I had been over washing her and it was causing her skin to be completely dried out - which made her scratch and itch and bite - which caused her to get a bald spot on her butt and tail and leave a bloody trail on the walls everywhere she went - all these things led me to bathe her about every 4 days with some medicated dog shampoo. I was thinking that eventually the shampoo would cure her skin problems. I didn't realize that I was causing the problem til these last couple of weeks when she went without a bath. I am a horrible pet owner. I now know that when I was letting the soap suds soak and then scrubbing off all the nasty looking stuff on her that I was yanking her little doggy scabs off. I feel very guilty about this. I might go get her a steak for dinner or something.

Sweety got a new bottle of tequila. It's been awhile since I've had any. I like to chase it with baby dill pickles. Yum. I think he has some weird stuff he wants to try tonight. We will see...

Oh how embarrassing. Just as I leaned over to give stinky dog's back half a sniff, Sweety walked in. I got an odd glance. But I am happy to report that she doesn't stink yet like she used to a few hours after a bath. Maybe I can retire the "stinky dog" moniker for her soon.

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