
What a Party

We discovered last night that tiny dog likes tequila. No, I did not get my dog drunk. Sweety and I were playing rummy and the shot glass was on the table and she kept trying to get to it. So I let her on the table cause I thought once she smelled it she'd quit trying to scramble to it. Instead she took a lick, shook her head and went back for more. We disposed of the shot and she started munching on one of my pickles. This dog is after my own heart. After this episode she recognized the shot glass and whenever we'd get a refill she'd try to get to it and would follow the glass around the room with her eyes. I finally stuck her in her cage in another room so I could play cards in peace. What a drunkard she could be.

And stinky dog is still unstinky today. Amazing. I am so pleased. I've been giving her lots of love to make up for almost washing her to death over the last year. I'm gonna let her sleep with me tomorrow. She likes to get in the bed and put her head by mine and just look at me. Usually she won't let me touch her feet but if she's in the bed with me she'll let me hold her paw. I am just a weird as my dogs.

Last night was good stuff. Sweety did have an idea he wanted to try out that I'm not very interested in. Luckily, I managed to divert his attention to something else. And a fine time was had by all. I'll be glad when I'm off work in a couple of days and we can do it again!

I've found something that annoys me more than Sweety reading my blog. Him reading it out fucking loud. Gaaaghhh! He was doing that last night to bug me. That's worse than having someone read over my shoulder.

I think my "100 Things About Me" list got under his skin. Hee hee. I'm sure he already knew pretty much every thing on it but was reminded of some things that he'd forgotten. That's what he gets for peeking. I don't think he reads every post but I think he pops in and reads every now and then. I told him I wasn't going to write any differently if he was reading and if he sees something that gets his goat to not mention it to me. So far so good.

Oddly enough I didn't have any kind of hangover this morning but Sweety sure did. He looks like a bird that's been ran through a blender. I let him sleep in while I amused the children. I poked a couple of aspirin and some soda down him so he's on the road to recovery. He looks so cute when he's hanging over. It makes me want to coddle him.


Anonymous said...

Third paragraph from the bottom...I SO feel your pain.

But we love 'em right???

Anonymous said...

I for obvious reasons have not told pod, that's got to be tough.

Anonymous said...

"100 Things About Me" posts are tough. California Girl and I collaborated on the first 85 on our List but I did the last 15 myself. She did not like #86 or #93 since they had to do with previous girlfriends. Your list is great. We have to be able to accept our spouse's past even if some things make us uncomfortable. CG is generally pretty easy-going but has her hot buttons like anyone else.

Chickie said...

sk - oh yes. we love 'em! i almost started a "fake" blog to just write crazy shit in for him to find but decided against it.

dick - it's not too bad that he knows. he does know to not comment on the blog in our "real" life. the exception being the 100 list.

mcb - the funny thing is, sweety is more tolerant of my past than i am of his. i told him as far as i'm concerned his kids were found under cabbage leaves.