
We Have the Same Mother?

I just got off the phone with my sister. And I am still fucking agog at the conversation we had. I thought she'd decided months ago that she was driving here by herself to get Sylvie when school gets out. Months ago I explained to her why it was a good idea for her to get Sylvie alone instead of bringing her fiance/boyfriend/whatever with her because Sylvie hasn't seen her since December and needs to spend some alone time with her. Well, what the fuck ever.

She calls me this morning to tell me she can't decide if she's going to fly Sylvie back or if John is going to ride down here with her. She asked me if it was okay if they stayed here. I started to say something about how I thought she was coming alone but just told her nevermind and it was fine if he stayed here. But then I did explain to her why I thought she needed to drive down here and pick her kid up (sylvie already thinks they are driving back together and sylvie thinks her mom is going to be at her school on the last day). Sister tells me she wants him to come because she doesn't like the drive alone. Gee fucking whiz, you managed to make the drive back to Oklahoma alone when you fucking left your child here, didn't you? Then she gets all snotty and says that she'll just tell John to not come because obviously I don't want him too.

Let's not put fucking words in my mouth, okay? I explained to her again that Sylvie is going to feel put out if her mom gets here and she has to share her right off the bat with her boyfriend. I have a feeling that she will end up either bringing him or wanting to fly Sylvie home (because dammit when she wants to do something, fuck everyone else). And in that case, it means all of Sylvie's crap will still be at my house and I will have to dispose of it. I'll be glad when Sylvie is gone and I can quit worrying about wiping my sister's nose. Selfish tard.

I cannot believe we have the same parents. I may ask my mom later if my sister is the mailman's.


Anonymous said...

You should put a counter on your site for the days until Sylvie goes home.

The end is in sight.

Chickie said...

I don't need a counter because the date is burned into my brain. We currently have 8 days to go. The first thing I'm gonna do is sleep for 2 days!