
You Talkin' to ME?

Upon entering the school office yesterday to see why Sylvie's class photos hadn't come in yet I had a most annoying conversation.

Perky office worker: So, do we have a baby yet?

Me (smiling hugely): Pardon me?

POW: Is the baby here yet?

Me (smiling big enough so everyone can see my razor sharp teeth): Ummmm, I dunno.

POW: Oh, I heard it was going to be today?

Me (now speaking through gritted maniacal grin and blinking repeatedly): I'm not sure. Maybe today.

She was of course referring to EW's newest hatchling. I just thought 'why on earth is she asking me about this?' I started to tell her I was busy with EW's kids that were living with me and the status of her pregnancy wasn't high on my list of things to keep track of. I didn't know it at the time but it had been birthed about 30 minutes earlier. Nice and healthy. I hope it gets colic.

Sweety told me he realized on Saturday that he really didn't have any room to be grouchy about my blog. That as he looked at me sitting in the basketball bleachers along with EW he thought 'why should i bitch about a blog. look what she's putting up with and being nice about it.' When I see her I have an almost uncontrollable urge to wrap my fingers up in her hair and slam her head against a wall. So far I have managed to keep that urge in check. Who knows what the future may hold?

I do know I'm going to have to listen to nauseating stories over and fucking over from the boys about all the cute things the new baby does. They'd just started easing up on the cute baby stories about their 2 year old brother over there.

I know they have a life at their mom's but sometimes it is very hard to keep an interested look on my face and not say 'nothing personal kiddo, but i really don't care. save your breath, mmmkay?' I don't want them to think they can't talk about things so I just engage in whatever conversation they want to make. Even if it makes my eye twitch.


Anonymous said...

This is SO much like us. I even made hubby read what you said about what your hubby thought about your blog.

Oh, and the shit about your husband's EW...just all the same.

We're again, so much alike.

Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Who would care about an ex's baby? How big is this town you live in, anyway? I guess that since you were raised in a small town in OK that you handle those kind of comments pretty well...still, it seems pretty stupid on the part of the commentator.


Chickie said...

sk - i'm starting to think maybe all exwive's were cast out of the same mold.

imapuma - the town is pretty good sized but everyone at the school has always complimented sweety on how well him and the EW get along. i guess they thought we were big buddies also.

my default emotion when confronted with something i don't like is extreme politeness and uncontrollable laughter. as i get older i've noticed that i'm letting more of the "bitchy" creep in when i'm pissed though.