

It was a nice little trip away but I am glad it is over and I am home alone.

I did see two neato things in Tampa. The first was a fairy ring. It had big flat toadstooly looking things and rounded mushrooms. The second was a mama duck and her 5 babies trapped in the hotel pool. She got them in there then the ducklings couldn't climb out so someone put a towel in the water and they escaped by climbing up it. It was quite an exciting thing to watch. You don't encounter a life or death situation every day, you know?

The past 3 days I taught the boys a lot. What an enema is - we were watching something on national geographic where it was mentioned so I used it as a learning opportunity. What a fairy ring is - no, not a lawn nuisance. A place where a bunch of fairies threw a party the night before. And we invented an imaginary friend while we were at dinner - his name is Bob and he's a compulsive hand washer and spent a lot of time at the bar. I am trying to do my part to make the boys well rounded individuals.

I damn near let tiny dog Oy kill herself at the hotel. She was locked in the bathroom with just her collar on and I guess it's just loose enough that if she bends her head way down she can get it into her mouth like a horse bit. Then she can't get it out. When we got back to the room from eating breakfast she was freaking out and her tongue was an odd color. I am so glad she didn't smothercate. I would be horribly traumatized if my dog died because of the collar I put on her. Until she grows, she's only wearing it when she goes out. She's kinda between sizes on the collar right now.

The trip home should have only taken 2 hours but due to a wonderful traffic snarl-up it took 3 hours and 45 minutes. If the kiddos hadn't have been with me I would've pulled over on the side of the road for a nap and waited for it to clear up.

Sweety had to leave as soon as I got home this morning. I can't wait to see him this weekend. We don't have the kids and the house is reasonably tidy. So I can just be slothful around the house with him and not feel guilty about it. I think we'll go watch Mr. & Mrs. Smith so I can check out my girl. Mmmmm. And I see in the previews she's wearing a leather outfit. Rowr.

I'm gonna go bathe my funky self and then wad up in the bed!


Anonymous said...

Mr. & Mrs. Smith looks like it would be better on DVD than in the theater. When we don't have kids we always have an "early" night. (I'm a night person so early is relative.)

Chickie said...

It was an okay movie. It was nice to see Angelina Jolie on the big screen!