
Day 2 of a Clean House!

Saw about getting the boobies lifted and reduced. $5800.00. It's about what I was expecting but I was hoping maybe it would be less. I'm going to see if work grants me FMLA time for the backaches and then I'll submit a request and see if they cover this. Even if they don't I'm still getting it done. Sweety is working on fundage for me. I liked the doctor. He's Korean so that gets him extra points in my book. I'm racist that way. The surgery normally would be 6800 but I think he gave me a break since I'm a fellow Korean. It's a big Asian conspiracy.

Sweety just made me dinner. Crab legs. Yummy yummy. And he shelled them for me. He's such a good egg.

The boys are on a Monopoly kick. There's nothing like a nice game of Monopoly at 8:30 a.m. to start your day off right. I guess it's better than playing video games all day. I had to crank out a story for them tonight. I wasn't feeling too inventive so I fell back on the adventures of the three little pigs. Except in tonight's story they were the three adult mooching pigs who wouldn't move out of the nest. I got to teach the boys what a moocher was. They learn all sorts of useful tidbits from me.

I think I may hobble tiny dog. I think if she only had 3 legs she'd still get around fast. Just not super fast so that I fall on my face when I'm trying to catch her. Maybe I can get the vet to take off one of the front paws when she is spayed. I could decorate the nub. I was taking a nap with her on the bed today and was woken with her tiny feet on my eyebrows and her snout poking my eyeball as she foraged for eye boogers. The dog has weird tastes.

I had some of the worst customer service EVER tonight while bra shopping. It was just bad. If some of the stuff I was buying hadn't have been on a big ol' sale I would have left it there.

Sweety got back from the grocery store earlier and he bought someone else's food to be nice. He said some lady in the aisle beside him was counting out her change and emptying her purse when she was paying and had to leave a few things so he bought them and took them to her when he was leaving. The good karma didn't help us. We did not win the lottery. It was a rollover, maybe next week.

It's been a couple of hours since I started this post and I know something new now. It doesn't take a lot to annoy me. Sweety is toast. He tries to antagonize me for his pleasure.


Anonymous said...

I am so glad I never have to go bra shopping. California Girl's has been looking for a bra or two for the occasions when she absolutely, positively has to wear a bra (which are few and far between) and hasn't found anything which remotely fits. Her boobs have always been farther apart than average with more volume on the outside. At times, the sales associates have the attitude that "something is better than noting" and are pushing bras that don't fit properly because she has to have a bra to wear no matter what. If you work at home and don’t have enormous boobs, a bra is pretty much optional. And I really like the braless look anyway.

Chickie said...

If you have a Dillards store that's worth a squirt of piss, they are pretty good with figuring out sizing for buying a bra and making suggestions. I pretty much always wear one. Or else I'm very careful around the house. Once I accidentally slammed a breast in the dryer door. Ouch.

Anonymous said...

Her boobs have always been far apart but she had an easier time before children when she was bigger. Not having one is not as big of a deal as it used to be. It took my Mom a long time to get used to her braless daughter in law but they get along really well now.

California Girl has never had any mishaps with her boobs but I've caught my dick in a zipper before. It took a long time to heal because I was too stubborn to be completely celibate. It stung during sex but it was better than the alternative.